Fetus freethinkercoukOn March 19, 2015, the French government voted to suppress the mandatory seven-day cooling off period between the first and second medical consultations for women seeking abortions.

The Socialist parliamentarian Catherine Coutelle expressed the sentiments of many in the pro-choice lobby:

This delay is infantilising and stigmatising.

However, that is not entirely true. Le Monde asked for women who had had abortions to describe their experiences. The paper received 70 responses.

Whilst stigmatisation was part of having an abortion in France, as one woman said:

… the unsympathetic look from the obstetrician, an even more critical one from the midwives …

other women described crises of conscience.

That was the objective of the cooling off period, intended to provide an enforced time of reflection.

The article has a photo from a feminist demonstration which took place on January 8, 2014; their banner says:

1 child, if I want, when I want.

Last year legislators began relaxing the process leading to abortion: no questions asked if a woman seeks a consultation up to 12 weeks into her pregnancy and more information about the procedure.

What women told Le Monde about the now-repealed seven-day period of reflection is interesting. Most of the comments indicate their personal psychological discomfort during that time:




Even if you have made up your mind, those days of waiting give rise to questions, to guilt. You can’t escape it.

The most incredible comment, however, was this:

a real Calvary.

What a choice of words. I wonder if that woman even knows the meaning of Calvary.

(I did work with a woman who thought that ‘martyr’ meant ‘crybaby’, thanks to her father’s atheistic influence. After hearing the umpteenth misuse of this word, I advised her to look it up in the dictionary. She did so and stopped saying it.)

I do hope that the French abortion folks use a set of pictures and descriptions as to what happens to the foetus within a short space of time.

These two resources are very useful. Girls would do well to study them carefully:

Babycenter’s fetal development images diary

WebMD’s Fetal Development Pictures Slideshow

Far from being the well publicised ‘mass of tissues’, a foetus at six weeks has a beating heart. At seven weeks, fingers and toes begin to develop. At eight weeks, the baby can bend his knees and elbows. At nine weeks, the baby has eyelids. At 11 weeks, the baby starts stretching and kicking. At 12 weeks, synapses begin forming in the brain.

Yes, abortion is death. Feeling guilty about it is entirely the right thing to do.

Choices, choices. A bit of reflection before engaging in coitus prevents difficult decisions afterward.