Yesterday, one of my readers, underground pewster, sent in the Yahoo!News link to the horrifying fatal stabbing of a Swedish social worker at a youth home for male refugees in Molndal, southwest Sweden.

Her murderer is a 15-year-old.

I replied that the young woman probably considered her work as a vocation.

It turns out she did.

The Daily Mail revealed that Alexandra Mehzer, 22, the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, anticipated returning to university to earn a Master’s degree in social science. One of her cousins described her as:

‘an angel’.

She told Swedish media: ‘It is so terrible. She was a person who wanted to do good, who wanted to be good.

‘And then he murdered her when she was doing her job. We have cried a lot. She was such a nice person, warm and happy.’

Alexandra’s mother, Cheméne Mehzer, said the same, adding that her daughter was

a just and fair human being. There were so many who loved her. She was my daughter, my friend.. my mate.

The fatal attack took place before 8 a.m. on January 25, 2016, when the attacker set upon her. Alexandra had been working at the small refugee centre for only a few months. The centre accommodates ten ‘unaccompanied’ youths between the ages of 14 and 17.

It is unclear where the other nine youths were at the time. However, soon after the attack happened, a group of them overcame the boy and held him until the police arrived. He was arrested on suspicion of murder.

Alexandra was rushed to hospital in Gothenburg, but doctors were unable to save her.

Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg gave no information on the assailant’s nationality or motive. However, he did tell Swedish media:

These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. 

We’re dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad.

Alexandra’s murder took place as National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson requested 4,100 extra officers and support staff to cope with the recent spate of attacks and criminal activity on the part of newcomers to Sweden. Deportation is a real possibility, provided it can be arranged with the home country.

Eliasson said (emphases mine):

We are forced to respond to many disturbances in asylum reception centres. In some places, this takes significant police resources.

This was not the case six months ago and it means that we won’t be able to respond as effectively in other areas.

The Mail tells us:

According to the Swedish Migration Agency, the number of threats and violent incidents at asylum facilities more than doubled between 2014 and 2015.

In 2014, there were 148 incidents but in 2015 that number jumped to 322.

The article says that police are also struggling with spontaneous arson attacks on asylum facilities, stricter border controls introduced on January 4 and the higher terrorist threat level as a result of the Paris attacks last November.

Police union director Lena Nitz explained that Swedish police have long been underfunded and understaffed. She said:

It is obvious that the migrant situation is a great strain. It has become clear that the situation is completely unsustainable.

Last year, Sweden, with a population of 9.8m, took in 160,000 asylum seekers in 2015. Since then, the government has tightened asylum rules.

However, in Stockholm, unaccompanied migrant minors — boys — are already wreaking havoc at the capital’s largest aquatics centre Eriksdalsbadet and at the central railway station.

Over the past three weeks, four cases involving girls under the age of 18 have been filed. These are complaints of indecent assault experienced at Eriksdalsbadet. The incidents took place in hot tubs, swimming pools and in the changing rooms.

Another Mail article discusses the Moroccan boys’ gangs which are making Stockholm’s central railway station a no-go zone. The fearless groups of children are not above attacking security guards, either.

Police estimate there may be 200 youths in total. Some are only nine years old.

It is thought that the youths have run away from state homes for juvenile migrants. In the centre of Stockholm, they can live as they please on the streets, earning their way by stealing and amusing themselves with assaults on girls and young women.

One Stockholm police officer said:

These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards at the central station …

They grope girls between their legs, and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this.

I would never let my children go to the central station. No officer would.

The theory behind this situation is explained in an article about Pakistani Muslim attacks on innocent Christian girls — a horrifying and highly recommended read.

The article quotes the late Majid Khadduri, the founder of Johns Hopkins’s SAIS Middle East Studies Program. He held a variety of ministerial roles in the Middle East then taught at SAIS from 1950 until 1980. He died in 2007 at the age of 98. He was widely respected for his knowledge of Muslim law and society. He explained the thinking behind the Muslim spoils of war:

The term spoil (ghanima) is applied specifically to property acquired by force from non-Muslims. It includes, however, not only property (movable and immovable) but also persons, whether in the capacity of asra (prisoners of war) or sabi (women and children). … If the slave were a woman, the master was permitted to have sexual connection with her as a concubine.

This belief has been applied against non-Muslims, ‘infidels’, in various European nations over the years and has escalated this year.

Westerners see the acceptance of migrants as being compassionate and merciful.

Young migrants might well see it as an invitation for invasion and an opportunity to exploit.

And where are the Christian refugees in all of this? Should we not have taken them in first then made a considered decision about Muslim migrants later?