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We first ate at Au Mal Assis in the Old Port area of Cannes in 2015.

I gave it a rave review then.

We have since returned twice.

Au Mal Assis is the oldest restaurant in the Old Port. It has been in operation since 1914 and is located at 5 Quai Saint Pierre.


Be warned, the portions are generous here.


My far better half (FBH) had octopus (poulpe) salad which included two langoustines and two large shrimp (gambas). That could have been a main course. I noted at the time: ‘HUGE!’

I had a dozen escargots and was able to retrieve each from the shell. The parsley/garlic butter was copious and perfect with baguette.


BH ordered the veal escalope with creamy mushroom sauce and skinny chips (fries). It was another huge plate of food.

I opted for the coquilles St Jacques (king scallops) in sage and balsamic sauce over rice. What a delight!

We decided then that we would return in 2019.


We drank a satisfying red Bandol from the Var region: Domaine La Ragle 2011 (83330 Domaine de la Roque).


I ordered a cheese assortment (assiette de fromage), which was a delightful end to dinner.

FBH declined, having had too much to eat!


This was the first restaurant we went to this year.

Our expectations were high.

The bill came to €111.50 for two.


Service was very slow this year. Admittedly, we went out later than usual this time.


The dozen escargots were once again on the money. Unfortunately, I could retrieve only ten this time.

FBH ordered the home made foie gras de canard, which was delicious.


Both of us had stunning sea bass fillets (loup from the Mediterranean) which was encrusted with a tasty basil and bread crumb crumble. We would certainly order that again.

This dish is priced at a reasonable €22. In my notes, I wrote: ‘GREAT VALUE!’


We drank a white AOC de Provence: St Victorin from Christian Troin et Fils (Var).

I noted: ‘GOOD WINE!’


As it was late, I had eaten sufficiently.

BH wanted a cheese platter, but our waiter took so long to return to our table that we gave up, which was disappointing.

Additional notes

This is the menu, which shows that some dishes are much more expensive than others.

TripAdvisor has very mixed reviews.

As we left, one of the staff was assembling a two-tiered sumptuous seafood platter. We told him it was as if we were watching an artist at work. He smiled broadly and thanked us. Every bit of seafood had its precise place on the plates.


We would return to Au Mal Assis but would go shortly after it opens. The later one goes, the greater the likelihood of poor service.

Au mal assisAlthough my better half and I have been to Cannes on several occasions, we had never eaten in the restaurants along the Quai St Pierre which faces the Old Port.

We hadn’t really walked along much of Quai St Pierre until June 2015. Our earlier impressions from several years ago was that this might be a prime location for tourist traps.

So, this year, we thought we’d give it a go. Most of the restaurant menus did not appeal to us, either because of the selection on offer or the prices seemed a bit steep.

I selected Au Mal Assis which has been at 15 Quai St Pierre since it first opened its doors in 1914. My hope was that, as it is still family-owned, it would offer honest fare at a fair price. Neither of us wanted food poisoning, either, so this seemed a safe bet.

(Photo credit: Trip Advisor)

These days, the Old Port’s focus is tourism and slips for the many yachts that come in from various countries. However, a century ago, it bustled with Cannes’s commercial fishermen. Au Mal Assis’s menu comes complete with fascinating photos of the restaurant at that time, a very different scene altogether.

The menu does not explain how the restaurant got its name. ‘Mal assis’ means poorly seated or uncomfortable. Perhaps an old private joke or irony is involved.

SpouseMouse and I were greeted and seated promptly at an end table on the terrace, with yachts in full view — pleasant! The place was already filling up at 7:30 p.m. It seemed to be restaurant with the most customers along Quai St Pierre. Many had only a few. Some had none at all.

We opted for the prix fixe — formule — menu. Both of us started with half a dozen oysters each. These were fines de claire from the Oléron region along the west coast of France. They were sweet and succulent, with just the right amount of saltiness.

Although they came with some sort of condiment which I did not note, many French oyster lovers enjoy them just as they are, straight out of the shell. I can see why. I would advise against adding anything to such a delightful delicacy.

It’s great that Au Mal Assis stores the oysters in their crates in an ice cabinet in full view of patrons. I had a look and all were from the Oléron. Wait staff frequently came out to take boxes to the kitchen.

For a main course, SpouseMouse chose the loup — Mediterranean sea bass — in sauce vierge, which is comprised of olive oil, lemon juice, chopped tomato and chopped basil. I opted for gambas — jumbo prawns, a local speciality — which came with plenty of garlic butter and a perfectly sized timbale of rice. They were unctuous and beautifully prepared!

For dessert, my better half had a competently done moelleux au chocolat — chocolate fondant — whilst I opted for a delicious assiette de fromage.

We drank — again! — Minuty Cuvée Préstige (rosé) : price considerations. I haven’t been stating the wine year in any of these reviews because normally what’s on offer at a reasonable price is rosé from the previous year. Hence, we drank 2014 wines throughout.

The bill came to €91.20 — not terribly cheap given the brasserie atmosphere, but we did not feel cheated.

The owner — a middle aged man — is frequently around. He greeted us and showed us to our table. He is also available if patrons have questions or are seeking recommendations.

Wait staff are cordial and unobtrusive in the classic French manner. After Restaurant Catherine this came as a relief. Despite it being busy, our courses arrived in a timely manner.

Tables are spaced fairly close together. Talking to the people next to you is a likely possibility. We conversed briefly with the Russian couple next to us. The man asked us for suggestions on what to do after dinner.

I look forward to returning to Au Mal Assis on our next visit! No doubt, they are enjoying another busy, successful summer season.

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