Brendan Dilley is a Congressional candidate in Arizona and YourVoice™ America Co-host.

He receives intelligence messages from a source he keeps anonymous. Dilley’s Twitter account has many positive messages about life. His Periscopes have the intel data.

Someone on 8chan watches the videos then summarises the content. I’ve read this intel several times over the past few days and found it interesting enough to share.

The source page is here. Excerpts follow, emphases mine.

First, the introduction:

Brendan Dilley has an Intel Source that has been proven to be accurate several times over the last month or so. The source is not Q, but acknowledges that Q is legit. This source in the past only claims to be a government contractor, but was allowed by his bosses to leak this intel out. For example, here is one of the latest accurate predictions:

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/17


We’ve got media indictments coming. There’s a large quantity of media involved with some very dark or disgusting things – corruption, willfully sharing fake news in exchange for money, (or) other far more deviant and disgusting things. This is the reason they fight so feverishly against the president

1/18 – Happening – Newsweek got raided

I will begin posting Synopses of the upcoming Periscopes on this thread…

The messages are quite long, so I recommend readers also go to 8chan and read them in full.

On January 18, the anonymous intel source discussed the NSA supercomputer Hammer, which has all sorts of data. This post concerns the Benghazi attack of September 11, 2012:

Obama will hang for his sins, this is way beyond this FISA Stuff
Where was Obama during Benghazi, NSA has the answer.”
“The HAMMER RAW INTEL has Obama and certain several others in a certain place”
“HAMMER pings all cells and mapped who was present and their location and more”
“HAMMER is a supercomputer”
Why are non-administration personnel present in top secret meetings is also part of the extra intel”
“Binney is a hero”
“William Binney creator of NSA Super Computers”
“During Benghazi, Hillary was at her Satanic Ritual, oops! They don’t allow cell phones at that event! With Many Celebs”
“Obama was elsewhere (not allowed to state’ where it is as it’s part of __ (I’m not authorized to say)”
They are screwed, Trump has the Intel

According to testimony given to the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2013 (see here and here),  neither Obama nor Hillary was present. In 2012, I recall reading that Obama either went to bed because he had a campaign commitment the next day in Las Vegas or the engagement was that evening and he had to fly out. Unfortunately, I cannot find the link.

The intel source then commented on Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI, who announced his retirement in January:

“McCabe en route to his GITMO tour” …

The source predicted more media busts:

2 more HUGE MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR news organizations are on the hit list as far as being raided – that’s coming – just like Newsweek was today
Dilley – “For what?”
State secrets illegally being passed to non-state entities through these organizations
“2 of biggest – One is a paper, one is a news show

January 19‘s drop concerned Obama’s White House. This is particularly shocking:

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/19
Brendan claims he has more information he will drop in the future (not able to release at this time) that is WAY worse than the “memos”
But was able to release the following:
In previous administration, Over 100+ meetings involving unauthorized non-administration personnel discussing Top Secret/Classified Intel – Soros, Gates, Buffet, Rockefeller, Tony Podesta, The Chinese Military” (Citizens and Military Foreign Nationals)
Topics of discussion
Insider Trading
Top Secret Information
Advising the Cabal’s Money Men to move their assets etc so they would never lose
The Top Tier billionaires dictated policy to ensure that always made and never lost
Look at the bailout cash… Who got it?
Cabal told Obama what to do and as it was about to get done, Obama would e-mail them from an unsecured server and they would clean up “money-wise”
Obama traded secrets just like Hillary
BLM were taking instructions directly from Obama and his unsecured e-mail account
He had an unsecured account and was trading state secrets to the most wealthy people in order to profit himself

The January 22 drop covers Q, Robert Mueller, George Soros, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California) and more. Excerpts follow:

Q is not a single person but an organization
According to Dilley, his Intel Source gives it to him straight and doesn’t attempt to convey information via cryptic messages …
Mueller will be getting a free pass as he WILL receive a Presidential Pardon
Mueller is doing what he’s doing to avoid his own prison time. He will always be remembered as “disgraced” no matter how many people he puts in prison
Adam Schiff is a traitor, answers to foreign actors
Soros doesn’t end up with a prison sentence – he’s being taken out (“catch a bullet”)
Alex Soros is useless without Soros money. Everything WILL be confiscated.
No text messages lost. Deep State trying to leverage a lie to discredit the memo. Basically they say no evidence and if DOJ offer it up, Deep State say it’s lies and “texts are lost”. 3 NSA programs have the texts and they cannot be deleted, all Hillary’s emails are intact.
All Deep State e-mails and messages are stored in _ program and cannot be deleted, the raw intel cannot be tampered with.
Source is authorized to “release” FROM THE TOP
Trump is in control… the Intelligence Apparatus is in control
The main problem to solve – How do you redpill the country, thus avoiding too much Civil Unrest?

The January 23 drop recaps what Q wrote around that time. Here are a few things Q did not write about:

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/23
There has been a couple of traitors within the Trump Cabinet and he now knows who they “were”.
They were leveraged unfortunately from things that had happened to them in the past. Please do NOT guess or speculate. Their names will not be disclosed.
They were helping Deep State by quarterbacking stuff against the President
Deep State had insurance policies by leveraging information from their wiretaps
While Trump had been diligently building his group, Deep State has been corrupting his cabinet because they had the intel as to “who were going where”
Wiretaps helped them get ahead to a degree

Reaffirmaton of General Flynn being a great patriot.
General Flynn and Admiral Rogers both playing a part to protect this country.
Also thank Bill Binney who developed the technology needed to bust these guys …
All this data can be dropped now because of yesterday’s Q Posts and the revelation of “Secret Society”
Not easy to discuss but we are slowly preparing Americans for these drops.
You will never know the full scope of this and “you don’t need to”
Confirmed TruPundit story about FBI texts regarding physically harming the President.
FBI is TOAST and major housecleaning will occur similar to what happened with the CIA. FBI may not be able to survive this.
Christopher Wray threatening to “walk out” on FBI/Sessions is FAKE NEWS. Disinfo is necessary.
Some “Trusted” journalists that patriots listen to are DELIBERATELY fed disinfo to keep scent off the main trail. Refrain from roasting these journalists – this being done on purpose.
The Intel Source has actually given Dilley “Fake News”, but he can “sense” it’s fake and refused to report it on his Periscope.
95% is legit, but 5% Dilley can TELL. Dilley calls him on his BULL.
TruPundit (Thomas Paine) is LEGIT. He was a former FBI “spook” and even HE is getting shocked by what he’s finding out.
Trey Gowdy is playing his role. Mueller’s investigation is legit and he’s trying to be honest.
Get away from Paradigm on who is “Good vs Bad”… find out who can get leveraged.
None of this is a current threat. It’s being released now BECAUSE it’s past tense. So relax.
McCabe is in a “Black Site in the lower 48th” “singing” (Somewhere in the Continental U.S.)
Black Site = a place that exists that’s not supposed to exist.
He’s no longer in GITMO but he’s not getting the Witness Protection Treatment
He did not enjoy his GITMO visit, which is why he’s Singing and no longer there.
We are starting to let words out that is preparing the public: TREASON, Secret Society
Memo will confirm what most red-pilled people already knew.

I wrote about the ‘secret society’ a few days ago.

On January 25, Brendan Dilley tweeted about military tribunals, which could well mean capital punishment:

12 have been sat for 39 days.
Obama former cabinet beginning to lawyer up.
McCabe singing. One of the names he gave up is now the informant that is being referred to.
19 charges. 3 are involved in criminal enterprise and sponsor of terrorism. BHO
2:09 AM – 25 Jan 2018

Giant RICO case incoming for rest
Tribunals for top perpetrators
POTUS authorized huge red pill for public
Flynn sitting on dark evidence
2:18 AM – 25 Jan 2018

A drop later on January 25 has more about the military tribunal — and Julian Assange:

“12 have been sat for 39 days.”
Meaning – 12 members of the military tribunal have been sat for 39 days reviewing the information
They have not just been twiddling their thumbs
These are NOT jurors!
Why 12? 12 members are required on the panel in order to entertain the DEATH PENALTY
Normally, that number is 9
Dilley claims he’s known that since day 1 (we’re on day 39) …
More “lawyering up” for the “cabinet members”
A lot of them don’t know what’s coming
They now have a new “source” from the FBI.
The reason why they have this new source is because of McCabe’s singing which gave them this guy that basically was a “keyhole” to everything
McCabe delivered him.
This “guy” has everything.
Obama pissed himself when McCabe delivered this “guy”
There are approximately 19 charges for Obama alone 3 of which involve “criminal enterprise sponsors of terrorism”
Assange photos and videos of him at the Ecuadorian embassy pre-recorded. He’s no longer there.
Expect Pictures and videos of Assange coming out because they need them to keep looking over there
Nobody is getting pardoned except for (maybe) Mueller
Flynn won’t even need to get pardoned
Thomas Paine FISA memo drop today confirmed
Not a drop… Dilley Opinion – “Christopher Wray is a SAVAGE. Wait till the OIG Report comes out.”

Someone posted a timeline to corroborate the above information about the military tribunals:

Connect the dots.
Dec. 16th DJT leaves for Camp David for overnight stay.
Dec. 17th Atl airport power outage.
Dec. 17th DJT leaves CD at night heading to WH.
Dec. 19th Amtrak derailment.
Jan. 25th “12 have been sat for 39 days.”
39 days before Jan. 25th is Dec. 17th.

To paint the picture.

BHO was detained in Atl at the airport and transported to Camp David where DJT was waiting for him with a military tribunal. The Clowns derailed a train in retaliation.

Yesterday he retained legal council after he found out who is the key witness that was provided by McCabe.

The January 27 drop is particularly interesting, featuring George Soros, Hillary’s campaign supremo John ‘Skippy’ Podesta (now writing for the Washington Post) and sharp words from Dilley’s intel source to those reusing intel content without attribution on social media:

… Another Soros may have been taken, not Georgy.
George Soros believes that he could beat Trump.
George Soros WILL be taken out but it won’t be U.S. Military, nor even a U.S. Citizen.
It will happen from another country’s military who is “absolutely fed up”
Don’t assume that if Intel gives the “last name” of a person, you automatically figure out the individual.
You’re given small pieces of information deliberately because they don’t want to give out the whole farm. People get overzealous to try to solve and assume the intel is regarding particular individual. Instead of taking the “raw intel” the way it is, and staying open, people want to “play investigator” and “piece it all together”.
“You get going down these paths, it’s not good.”
“You go down a rabbit hole that’s not accurate, and then when the truth comes out, you get disappointed.”
I thought I heard “this”. You didn’t. You heard something, interpreted “this”, ran with it, and now you’re here.
Podesta didn’t write that article that came out the other day. Robby Mook wrote it, Hillary helped.
Skippy was in ill health at the time. He is not doing so well health-wise
The intelligence community is annoyed because some of you guys aren’t normally watching Dilley scopes and only in there to watch for Intel, write things down, then publish it on YouTube as if it were your own. You start to build your own brands around it.
The Intelligence Community know you who you are and they don’t like it.
It’s not a good look whether you’re doing it to Q or Dilley’s Intel Source or other sources.
“Annoyed” is not even the right word.
They don’t like it because you guys SCREW IT UP and you change things, add thing, and you start being “conspiritorial” instead of just taking the information.
With the Intel, people are trying to play “Clue” instead of just watching what’s happening (and) having some faith, they start stealing information and pretending that someone told it to them. They’re capitalizing on it. Good Luck!
If you’re taking that information and you’re rebranding it and putting it out as your own, good luck, it’s not going to end well for you.
They know where you live and they know where you put your money. They have everything. You’re not anonymous at any point ever when you’re on the Internet.

Direct Quote from Intel:
“Sadly, people see a surname, add who they wish it to be, then spout it elsewhere and devalue the intel. Seen some shocking copy/paste style jobs and for the record, Skippy is in ill health at the moment.”
Skippy was in a military medical facility till Monday, just left. Waiting to hear where he is right now. His brother is in the lower 48 in Military Custody.”
GITMO journeys are to get the intel, they are not yet permanent residents. Again, for the record, we have never said they were there permanently. We said they had visits, some for much longer than others. There are so many moving parts on this that it changes not by day or week but by the minute.”
MSM is the disinformation campaign to rock patriots.”
“Example, POTUS just had to clarify he never wanted to sack Mueller. I think he has said it about 40 times+. Yet media runs a hack piece and he has to say it again.”
“David Duke Disavow stuff – Same Way. They are just a smear campaign to slow the Trump Train.”
“Podesta Op-Ed (Hillary really) is the same crap as is Obama. They wanna push a narrative that they’re untouchable and they get the low-educated CNN and Company to fall for it. Same with this John Kerry shit that’s weeks old info, yet is churned out. They’re trying to muddy the waters and put blood in the water. Disinformation is a tactic – both sides. However, our side is done to protect assets. Their side is to cause carnage.”
Old news being passed as current.
We’re livid with people “repacking the Intel as theirs” and adding lies and misinformation to it. It distorts the facts.

I will have more from Brendan Dilley’s intel source tomorrow.