In November 2017, I wrote about the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, which ran from the 1950s until the mid-1970s.

In principle, it’s over. However, as with so many other CIA programmes — e.g. MK-Ultra — it probably got another name. MK-Ultra was the name for mind conditioning between the 1950s and 1970s. The Church Committee put an end to both MK-Ultra and Mockingbird.

Does anyone think that the CIA really stopped both of those? Or did they end in name only?

On Tuesday, March 27, 2018, an eagle-eyed contributor to the Q-related Great Awakening board on Reddit put together that morning’s headlines (photo below, courtesy of michaelst2256):

The media allegedly receive their talking points at 4 a.m. Operation Mockingbird is so called because it is the only bird to sing at night, specifically bachelors looking for a mate.

Try this with headlines you see and news broadcasts you hear. Nearly every media outlet runs with the same set of stories and buzzwords each day. I’ve seen this for years. It was good of this man to put together an image as proof.