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As Fox News unceremoniously sacked Tucker Carlson on Monday, April 24, 2023, below is a selection of videos of varying lengths for those who miss his top-rated cable news show.

The first is a short clip about Jeffrey Epstein’s death and Bill Gates’s reaction, as if he never even knew Epstein:

Another short video is of his interview to the young man from Fullsend Podcast, in which Tucker says that news programmes are not there to inform us, not at all. He admits that he should have been more sceptical years ago, however, it was only in the last ten years that the scales finally fell from his eyes. Better late than never:

In this seven-and-a-half minute long video, Tucker tells us that the Biden administration has not revealed any earth-shattering facts about JFK’s assassination, even though they pledged to do so. He is certain that the CIA played a large role in that and explains why. He also reminds us that the term ‘conspiracy theory’ emerged in 1964 — specifically about those querying the assassination — and is now used on a daily basis:

Next, we come to his final editorial on Friday, April 21, 2023, in which he discusses the Biden administration’s penalising honest mortgage payers by $40 a month while allowing poorer mortgage payers more leniency. This, he says (tongue in cheek), is done in the name of equity:

That evening, he gave a 20-minute Keynote Address for the Heritage Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Celebration:

I highly commend it to everyone.

My thanks go to my reader Katherine who kindly posted the link in my previous post about Tucker and wrote:

Carlson gave an impassioned speech at the Heritage Foundation Friday night, after his last show (when he didn’t know it was his last). Among other things he pointed out that the mutilation of children is evil, and that we should all pray daily for an end to the evil.

This is worth showing to one’s family. Children will benefit from seeing it. Listening to Tucker is like listening to a classically WASPy dad or uncle at Sunday lunch.

One of the best bits for me is between the 7:00 and 8:30 points, where he talks about truth telling and lies. He says that every time we tell the truth we feel strengthened inside. That is so important for children to know. Conversely, every time we tell a lie we feel weakened and frightened, which he says is what our notional betters are feeling. Therefore, tell the truth. He follows that by saying that he is paid to tell the truth on his nightly Fox News show. Poor man. Little did he know that Friday what would hit him first thing on Monday morning.

He talks about ‘faith’ at first then launches into the fact that he is an Episcopalian, adding that the denomination has the ‘weakest’ of theologies. Yet, he advocates praying for ten minutes a day so that the evil in our world disappears.

Tucker is the old school Episcopalian that I remember from my first thirty years of life on this planet. They made America great. They were the ones I met socially and later went to church with. Although he starts a bit slowly, it doesn’t take long for Tucker to build momentum.

Afterwards, Heritage president Kevin Roberts sits and talks with him. Tucker says that the most important thing we can do every morning is to tell our family members that we love them, because we do not know what the day will bring. He meant death. He said that we must not fear death and to give it a bit of thought every day, because it will happen to each of us.

He also said that he no longer trusts anything that he cannot touch or smell, from people and pets to books. He made a point of telling the audience to hold on to physical copies of books.

Kevin Roberts told Tucker that if Fox ever sacks him, that he has a place at the Heritage Foundation.

Mr Roberts, that day has now come.

None of us is either good or perfect, but Tucker Carlson’s head and heart are where they should be. I look forward to his next career move.

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