You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 12, 2019.

Within a few weeks’ time, I reckon the media and others on the Left will be telling citizens who want answers about Jeffrey Epstein’s death on August 10, 2019, that there’s nothing to see, move along.

Epstein’s death came one day after 2,000 pages of court documents about his involvement in underage sex were released to the public:

Epstein’s death has attracted Americans on both sides of the political aisle who want answers. The Left think that President Trump is covering up his involvement in nefarious activities, even though testimony from Virginia Roberts Giuffre says that Trump is not implicated. Those on the Right say that they want to find out more about Bill Clinton’s association with Epstein.

By Sunday, August 11, Twitter was already at work manipulating the narrative:

Unanswered questions

Yes, it’s early days, but, as I write on Sunday, even the initial news releases cannot give the facts.

At least one news outlet reported that Epstein hanged himself in his cell.

Another said that he died of cardiac arrest connected to suicide.

Of course, he is not the first to die mysteriously before giving testimony to a court of law in the United States. Others, interestingly, also associated with the Clintons have, too.

However, Epstein was in a place where high profile prisoners were detained without incident, some for long periods of time:

But was Epstein actually on suicide watch at the time of his death?

Incidentally, I checked the NYT‘s Twitter feed on Sunday. Most were tweets about lifestyle: food, fitted sheets and entertainment. The others covered foreign news. Jeffrey Epstein? Nothing to see here, move along.

After the question about a suicide watch, there is the question of the security camera, allegedly malfunctioning. How convenient:

Then there is the question of the guards for such an important prisoner:


If true, this is very interesting:

Epstein appears to have died in the early hours of the morning:

He was then taken to a Manhattan hospital, where some strange photos emerged. Note that Epstein appears to have no legs in this photo. A blanket is rolled under instead:

A Rod Rosenstein fan — not the man himself — tweeted:

Perhaps this is true:

Whatever the case, Epstein’s lawyer is furious. On August 10, The Gateway Pundit disclosed Marc Fernich’s full statement on his client’s death. A summary follows:

Marc Fernich, an attorney for Jeffrey Epstein, issued a blistering statement on the death of his client by an apparent suicide while in federal custody at the Manhattan Correctional Center in New York City early Saturday morning. Fernich blamed prosecutors, judges, jailers, the media, politicians and “greedy plaintiff’s lawyers” for Epstein’s death, saying they have “blood on their hands.”

Here is the tweet with Fernich’s statement:

Attorney General Bill Barr said he was ‘appalled’ by Epstein’s death and said he would launch an investigation:

Will Bill Barr do the right thing and give us all the facts? I do not know. However, some remain optimistic:

Trump supporters understand that Barr was given permission to declassify documents relating to the notional Russian collusion plot and activities from the previous administration 80+ days ago. To date, we have seen nothing. What is he waiting for? Christmas?

In any event, Judicial Watch, which seems to do all the heavy lifting, says it will also investigate. Judicial Watch obtains documents via the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act):

Those interested in Epstein’s death have come up with two prevaling theories at this time:

1/ Epstein is dead.

2/ Epstein is in Israel or some other safe country, helped, perhaps indirectly, by Mossad.

We can laugh at that second possibility or we can consider that tin foil hattery isn’t as far-fetched now as it was only a few years ago:

Although investigative journalist Sara Carter wrote ‘Two Tiered System Of Justice’ about AG Barr’s investigation of the FBI, her sentiments could be applied equally to his new Jeffrey Epstein investigation (emphases mine):

… so many people were stunned when DOJ attorney General William Barr declined prosecution of Comey for leaking. Sources have told this reporter that the prosecution would be difficult because Comey’s attorney’s could argue he was not grossly negligent – hmmm, I’m not so sure about that and I wonder why the DOJ said anything at all. I have been told that the information being collected by Barr appointed Connecticut Attorney John Durham, will be chilling, stunning and justice will be served. I won’t believe it until I see it. I, like so many others, have become a little jaded over the developments.

I say,” a little” because I haven’t given up all hope. I know America cannot afford to have a two-tiered system of justice and I believe in Barr, for now.

Liberty does not exist in a banana republic, where there is one set of rules for the political elite and another for its citizens. It would be the beginning of the destruction of the foundation our nation was built on: The Constitution.

If we no longer believe in what it says, what will it mean? It will mean nothing and our nation will no longer be that beacon of light for so many around the world that live in unjust societies …

As an American, I’m more than disturbed -I’m sickened – by their uncanny ability to skirt the law and how their friends in high ranking positions are working diligently still to protect them.

I could not agree more.

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