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On April 6, President Trump gave a 21-minute interview to Newsmax’s Heather Childers:

He begins by deploring the decision by Major League Baseball (MLB) to move the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver, Colorado, because of Georgia’s new voter law. Trump said that Atlanta’s bill which was passed is a watered down version of the original. He said that former gubernatorial Democrat candidate Stacey Abrams put pressure on the state to remove certain provisions, including voter ID signature matching. The final legislation, he said, is nowhere near what it was at the outset. As such, he found little justification for MLB to move the All-Star game in protest. He pointed out that Colorado has a much stricter voting law than Georgia. Oh, the irony.

He also had much to say about large corporations aligning themselves with every new social cause. He said it was right for conservative Americans to boycott these companies by refusing to buy their products.

Trump said that the Republicans in the Senate were weak and named Mitch McConnell specifically. This is what Trump posted about the 2020 election a week later on his Gab account (emphases mine):

Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Supreme Court of the United States, after showing that they didn’t have the courage to do what they should have done on the Great Presidential Election Fraud of 2020, was PACKED by the same people, the Radical Left Democrats (who they are so afraid of!), that they so pathetically defended in not hearing the Election Fraud case. Now there is a very good chance they will be diluted (and moved throughout the court system so that they can see how the lower courts work), with many new Justices added to the Court, far more than has been reported. There is also a good chance that they will be term-limited. We had 19 states go before the Supreme Court who were, shockingly, not allowed to be heard. Believe it or not, the President of the United States was not allowed to be heard based on “no standing,” not based on the FACTS. The Court wouldn’t rule on the merits of the great Election Fraud, including the fact that local politicians and judges, not State Legislatures, made major changes to the Election—which is in total violation of the United States Constitution. Our politically correct Supreme Court will get what they deserve—an unconstitutionally elected group of Radical Left Democrats who are destroying our Country. With leaders like Mitch McConnell, they are helpless to fight. He didn’t fight for the Presidency, and he won’t fight for the Court. If and when this happens, I hope the Justices remember the day they didn’t have courage to do what they should have done for America.

Heather Childers then asked the former president about Joe Biden’s performance. Trump replied that he hoped that the current White House occupant was in good health physically — and mentally. Trump said he had his doubts during the one presidential debate that took place last year. She asked him if he thought someone was pulling strings behind the scenes. He said that he would not be surprised but that, ultimately, he did not know.

He was satisfied that the Biden administration will see through the completion of the border wall. Trump said that, when he left the White House, the border was in good order, then Biden began reversing his policies.

Trump is really disappointed that foreign relations have been going downhill since late January and said that this was another area he had left in a good state for his successor. Trump said that, currently, America is ‘getting no respect’. He said that officials from China and Russia never said the types of things to him that they recently said to Biden.

This interview took place around the time he was planning a private fundraiser for the Republicans. He said that a lot of 2022 candidates wanted his endorsement, but those will come in good time:

Former Georgia Democrat Congressman Vernon Jones — now a Republican — was at Trump’s fundraiser:

Finally, he said that a new social media platform of his might come to fruition. However, for now, his website has all of his announcements, which ‘millions’ see every day. He said the current arrangement is working well for him, moreso than Twitter.

Many of President Trump’s supporters wonder why more wasn’t done to investigate the 2020 presidential election.

A number of people in the Trump administration could have been responsible, singly or collectively.

Some were in denial. Some placed career before ethics.

One person who was a great disappointment to many Americans was former Attorney General Bill Barr.

Below is what happened month by month after the election.


Not everyone was as hopeful that Barr would address the election results as the woman who sent this tweet last November 6 (more here on the Nevada story):

Our hopes were raised on November 9, when Barr went to meet with then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. He did not speak to reporters. We remembered that, on September 2, Barr told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that universal mail-in ballots were a recipe for disaster:

This is playing with fire… very open to fraud and coercion.

On November 11, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson — a former Democrat and currently independent voter — wrote an excellent article for Gateway Pundit: ‘What Is Bill Barr Going to Do?’

Excerpts follow. Everything made sense, especially at that time. Furthermore, Larry Johnson is rarely wrong (emphases mine):

I have a dear friend who knows Barr very well. Rarely does he show this kind of visceral anger. I find it difficult to believe that in the ensuing two months, Barr has decided to curl up into a fetal position and allow the Republic to be eviscerated.

Now look at the actions on Monday. Barr, following DOJ protocol, sent a letter authorizing federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities. That same day, the DOJ official in charge of voter fraud investigations, Richard Pilger, resigned.

Pilger is a compromised deep stater. I believe his resignation was, at a minimum, encouraged by Barr.

In tandem with the DOJ moves, President Trump fired Secretary of Defense Esper. The reason, I believe is simple–Trump wanted to ensure he had someone running the DOD who was not going to meddle in domestic politics. Trump followed up by installing Kash Patel, a National Security Council official and former congressional aide as chief of staff to new acting Defense Secretary.

Trump and Barr are not rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. They are making sure that loyal people are in place who will ensure that the orders of the President are enforced.

To understand what Barr is preparing to confront you must understand the following. I will put it simply–there was an organized conspiracy to interfere in the Presidential election and thwart the will of the voters.

He concludes:

I do not know what the Attorney General is going to do. But, he is not going to ignore evidence. Based on his emotional defense of the voting system when interviewed by Wolf Blitzer, I do not believe he is going to let this slide. Stay hopeful.

I’ve been reading Larry Johnson since 2008. This is the first time that he has been wrong.

RedState had an equally encouraging article, ‘Pay No Attention to the Drama Queen at DOJ Who Resigned after AG Barr Authorised Fraud Investigations’.

It discussed Pilger’s resignation and concluded:

If you are an election official or poll worker, you cannot purposely procure or tabulate fraudulent votes. It’s a crime. It is a crime by the specific individuals involved. The investigation may or may not impact the vote totals in the election, but that is not a consideration for whether or not to investigate and determine if criminal activity took place.

But, missing from much of the coverage of what Barr did today is the most significant point — what his statement did was authorize the use of federal grand juries to gather evidence.

FBI agents will often conduct interviews and gather evidence without the benefit of grand jury assistance. But federal prosecutors don’t go forward with new cases without opening up a grand jury matter.

THIS is what the left-wing pundit class is so alarmed about over AG Barr’s announcement.

An article by Thomas Lifson for American Thinker cited RedState’s article heavily and ended with this note of optimism:

We don’t know what evidence will be uncovered with grand jury subpoenas in hand, but with these tools available, the fraud that is self-evident when poll-watchers are excluded, when the counting of votes mysteriously is shut down at 2 A.M. in Democrat strongholds of Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee and Trump majorities promptly disappear in their key states, the odds look pretty good for President Trump.

Yet, Newsmax‘s Emerald Robinson, was already suspicious of Barr, as early as November 12. I will come back below to the first response she received about Biden’s transition team as well as to the one about ‘brilliant slow-walkers’:


Interestingly, and much to the disappointment of Trump voters, on Tuesday, December 1, Bill Barr said that there had been no evidence of voter fraud.

Breitbart reported:

Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, according to an interview he gave to the Associated Press.

Barr reportedly told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up on specific complaints and information they’ve received, but they have uncovered no evidence that would change the outcome of the election.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” he said.

Last month, Barr issued a memo authorizing U.S. attorneys to pursue substantial allegations of voting irregularities before the certification of the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Barr said there was no evidence yet to substantiate systemic machine fraud.

“There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results. And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that,” he said

President Trump’s legal team for his campaign issued this statement in response (click to see the full statement):

Lin Wood, a respected lawyer who was working with that team tweeted:

“Fair questions for AG Bill Barr: 1. Did you investigate voting fraud? 2. What did you do? 3. What did you find? 4. How much time did you spend? 5. Were experts involved? 6. How many Dominion machines analyzed? 7. How many poll watchers interviewed? We foot bill. We need answers.” / Twitter

Another Newsmax presenter, Greg Kelly tweeted:

Meanwhile, Bill Barr’s presence had been requested at the White House:

On Saturday, December 12, President Trump tweeted about Barr:

“A big disappointment!” / Twitter

Between then and Monday, December 14, Barr resigned.

Lin Wood still had hope:

Bill Barr is a Patriot. His letter to @realDonaldTrump was excellent. I believe Barr will announce major moves before 12/23 but does not want to stay to prosecute. He has done his job & served country well. New AG & assistants will prosecute the massive number of cases coming.” / Twitter

On December 14, Trump tweeted:

Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House. Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job! As per letter, Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family…” / Twitter

However, not everyone was convinced of Barr’s ‘outstanding job’.

The next day, December 15, Herschel Smith from The Captain’s Journal posted ‘William Barr Is A Deep State Hack And Coverup Artist’. Much of it concerns Barr’s involvement in Ruby Ridge in 1992. Barr was in charge of the Department of Justice at the time.

Herschel Smith’s article says:

It appears that Trump has finally let Barr goToo bad he ever hired him in the first placeI said back when Barr was hired that he was deep state and couldn’t be trusted except to do everything in his power to undermine the administration

George Webb notes his time studying these things, and if you’ll advance to the 12:45 mark of this video, you hear that Barr recommended that Clinton run for president, and managed to cover up the Clinton drug dealing from Arkansas, as well as Enron and many other scandalsHe was (and is) a cover-up artist.

Trump has little to no discernment, and surrounded himself with awful people for the complete four years of his administrationThis is why he will no longer be president I repeat myself, but a mechanic working at the FN Herstal plant in Columbia, S.C., could have done a better job at fighting the deep state – but certainly not at ensuring its survival, like William Barr did.

Two days later, on Thursday, December 17, Jeff Carlson, a contributor to the Epoch Times, posted a Twitter thread on Barr. The first few go some way to explain why Trump supporters trusted Barr — I never did, although I briefly had hope last November. Then Barr displayed his true intentions by refusing to look into Hunter Biden and last year’s election:

On Monday, December 21, Barr confirmed he would neither investigate 2020 election fraud nor Hunter Biden. Breitbart reported:

Attorney General William Barr, who is stepping down, stated during his final press conference Monday that he sees “no reason” to appoint a special counsel to investigate alleged fraud in the 2020 presidential election or the ongoing investigation into the taxes of President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

“I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel, and I have no plan to do so before I leave,” Barr said.

He said the investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings are “being handled responsibly and professionally.”

CBS News posted a video clip:

Dr Steve Pieczenik, who has had a long career in intelligence and is a best-selling author, reminded us of Barr’s father’s background. Donald Barr was the headmaster of Dalton School in Manhattan. In the early 1970s, he hired a young teacher by the name of Jeffrey Epstein. Yes, the same one who might be dead or alive right now.

Donald Barr also wrote a rather strange science fiction book, about which Pieczenik tweeted:

He thinks there might be some connection between Barr’s father hiring Epstein and Barr’s reticence to pursue justice:

Barr’s last day in the Trump administration was Christmas Eve.

On New Year’s Eve, someone tweeted a link to a 2019 article from Forbes about Bill Barr’s lucrative career, built when he was working in the private sector.

He was working at the former telephone giant, GTE Corporation, in the 1990s, after having been part of Bush I’s administration:

When GTE merged with Bell Atlantic to form Verizon in 2000, Barr stayed onboard as executive vice president and general counsel. From 2001 to 2007, he raked in an average of $1.7 million in annual salary and bonuses, according to documents filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission. Barr also received valuable stock options, some of which he traded while at the company, collecting an estimated $3 million after taxes from 2003 to 2007.

The Verizon job came with other benefits. Barr got a $31,000 flexible spending allowance, $10,000 or so for financial planning, plus use of the company jet for personal purposes. The biggest benefit, however, came upon retirement. Barr stepped down from the company at the end of 2008, receiving a $17.1 million distribution from Verizon’s income deferral plan, according to an SEC filing. On top of that, company documents also detail an additional $10.4 million separation payment for Barr.

Barr only retired from the 9-to-5 routine. In 2009, he joined the boards of two publicly traded companies, Dominion Resources (now Dominion Energy) — an American power and energy company (nothing to do with voting machines!) founded in Virginia, the Dominion State — and Time Warner:

From 2009 to 2018, Dominion paid Barr $1.2 million in cash and granted him another $1.1 million in stock awards, according to SEC filings.

Time Warner paid him $970,000 in cash and $1 million in equity awards for serving on its board from 2009 to 2016, when the company agreed to combine with AT&T. That deal was lucrative for Barr—he disclosed $1.7 million of income related to it on his financial disclosure report. But the merger was troubling to Trump, whose Justice Department tried to block it. During his confirmation hearing, Barr promised to recuse himself from the case as attorney general.

Before joining the Trump administration, Barr worked for the well-known American law firm, Kirkland & Ellis.


Anyone who read Barr’s Wikipedia entry when Trump hired him would have found Barr’s deep connection with Bush I. That was the detail that caused me not to trust him. However, a lot of people, especially Trump supporters, refuse to ever look at it. As such, they fell for Barr: ‘President Trump never would have hired him if he were no good’. Really? I do wish they weren’t so naive.

On New Year’s Day, Ethan Huff posted an article on Natural News which gives Barr’s full background: ‘Bill Barr has been an American traitor since at least 1992’. It’s well worth reading and worth noting this:

Conservatives must be suffering from some kind of amnesia because it is common knowledge that Barr worked back in the early ’90s as attorney general under George H.W. Bush, one of the most corrupt swamp creatures in our nation’s history. Like Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Barr has been a staple in establishment politics for decades, having spearheaded some of the earliest known instances of warrantless surveillance against innocent Americans, as one prominent example.

“The Justice Department under Attorney General William Barr launched a vast surveillance program that gathered records of innocent Americans’ international phone calls without first conducting a review of whether it was legal,” reports explain. “It happened in 1992, the last time Barr served as attorney general.”

Long before George W. Bush, “papa” Bush’s son, took occupation of the White House and subjected us all to the “Patriot Act,” Barr was illegally surveilling Americans without a warrant. This would explain why Barr, during his more recent tenure, declared that the Obama administration had not committed any crimes when they illegally surveilled the incoming Trump administration.

Barr also knew current Chief Justice John Roberts and others who were less than friendly towards President Trump:

Another individual who has been complicit in illegal spying is Chief Justice John Roberts, who oversees the secret court where the FBI filed its phony FISA warrants signed by James Comey, fueling the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory that resulted in President Donald Trump being impeached.

Justice Roberts signed off on all of these phony warrants, demonstrating where his true loyalties lie. This means that Barr and Roberts are two peas in a pod who worked in tandem during Trump’s time in office to undermine all efforts to hold Obama et al. responsible for committing treason – which makes Barr and Roberts complicit in treason as well.

The article concludes:

Giving Trump a free pass for all of this by claiming that he was “tricked” or “fooled” by people he thought he could trust simply does not pass muster anymore. If Trump is really an outsider like many conservatives continue to claim he is, then he could have, and really should have, rooted out Barr, and before him Jeff Sessions, much more quickly – or better yet, never hired them in the first place.

I disagree with the last sentence. Trump’s hands were tied. He was told whom to appoint and whom he could not fire. That proves he was an outsider.

On January 18, National File posted ‘SUBVERSION: Bill Barr Told Trump Election Fraud Claims Were ‘Bulls**t’, Protected BLM Rioters From Insurrection Act, And Blocked Snowden Pardon’ with the following sub-title, although I think they meant ‘every turn’ rather than ‘every term’:

Bagpipe enthusiast Bill Barr’s final months were devoted to subverting the shattered remains of President Trump’s America First’s agenda at every term

An excerpt follows; all details are within the article:

A new report from left-wing outlet Axios details multiple instances of former Attorney General Bill Barr actively working to ensure that President Trump’s political agenda failed on multiple fronts, including suppression of violent left-wing riots and protecting election integrity. National File has previously reported on Barr’s questionable background and behavior during his tenure in the Trump administration.

Though the Axios piece vigorously portrays Trump in a negative light while glorifying Barr, the anecdotes contained within are nonetheless damning for the former AG.

There’s also this about the Jeffrey Epstein case:

National File has previously reported on Barr’s family ties to the late pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, which included the hiring of Epstein to a teaching position at Dalton prep school by Barr’s father, and Barr’s recusal from the Epstein case after admitting that “one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm I subsequently joined for a period of time.”

On January 19, Barr seemed to accuse President Trump of fomenting violence at the Capitol because he spoke about election fraud:

Wolf Moon, a firm Trump supporter, posted ‘Barr Lied, Justice Died’ on January 23. He believes that the drive among Washington’s key players extended from 2016 all the way to his exit on January 20, 2021. He thinks they:

decided that Trump needed to fed into an “exit program” that would eliminate him at the NEXT election – November 3, 2020. They lengthened their plotline to make sure it would WORK.

And how did they do that?

By “saving” Trump from their 2016 trap, while COVERING IT UP, but PREPARING for their 2020 trap.

It was SUCH a beautiful idea. SUCH a beautiful idea. Few plots in human history were ever as ingenious as the Barr plot. “RESCUE” Trump to give Barr credibility. Then use that credibility to IGNORE and then DENY the 2020 stolen election plot.

Barr is not STUPID. He knew exactly what he was doing.

And it is my PRIVILEGE as a simple honest human being to unmask him.


I hope there will be justice one day.


One of the replies to Emerald Robinson’s tweets at the top of this post talked about ‘slow-walkers’ in the Trump administration, loosely referring to Bill Barr.

On Sunday, February 7, Trump’s former trade advisor Peter Navarro was on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News programme, Sunday Morning Futures. He was livid.

He said that he had many drafted Executive Orders that required approval from Bill Barr on which he (Navarro) was waiting. There was no action from Barr. Barr was slow-walking them.

Navarro alleges that, instead of approving the text and content for EOs that Trump would sign, Barr was too busy approving Joe Biden’s incoming EOs!

This is a must watch. It’s only five-and-a-half minutes long:


Bill Barr is just one more reason why Trump is quiet these days.

Either here or elsewhere, I dubbed him ‘Bad News’ Barr from the get go. I believed that 99% of the time, except briefly last November.

However, Bill Barr was not the only person involved in the end of Trump’s presidential story.

There will be other characters and scenarios to follow. Stay tuned.

On March 28, 2021 an hour-long interview with General Thomas McInerney appeared online.

I do not know of the interviewer Nino, but the two seemed to get on well. Both support President Trump and both are sceptical of coronavirus vaccines.

General McInerney, 84, began his career in the Army then joined the Air Force. He completed his initial pilot training in 1960. In 1962, he flew escort missions in the West Berlin Air Corridor during the Berlin Crisis and escort reconnaissance missions over Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In April 1963, he was one of the first forward air controllers assigned to South Vietnam with a Vietnamese army division. He was sent to South East Asia on three additional deployments.

After the Vietnam War, he completed studies at the Armed Forces Staff College and graduated from the National War College.

In 1974, he was stationed in London as the air attaché to the U.S. Embassy. Between November 1976 and October 1977, he was assigned to the Royal Air Force Station in Upper Heyford, England, where he was vice commander of the 20th Tactical Fighter Wing.

In 1979, he was stationed in Asia, first in the Philippines, where he commanded the 3rd Tactical Fighter Wing at Clark Air Base, then in 1981, in Japan, where he commanded the 313th Air Division at Kadena Air Base.

In 1983, he was transferred to Hawaii, where he served as deputy chief of staff for operations and intelligence, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces at Hickam Air Force Base.

In 1985, he returned to Europe. He became commander of 3rd Air Force, Royal Air Force Station in Mildenhall, England. The following year, he became vice commander in chief, Headquarters US Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein Air Base, West Germany.

In 1988, he was reassigned to the United States, serving as commander of Alaskan Air Command,  Alaskan NORAD Region, and Joint Task Force Alaska. In July 1989, when Alaskan Command was activated, he became its commander. In 1990, he commanded the 11th Air Force, the redesignation of Alaskan Air Command.

His last active duty assignment was as assistant vice chief of staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, DC. He retired from the Air Force in 1994, with the rank of Lieutenant General. Afterwards, he served on the boards of directors for several military contractors.

General McInerney endorsed Donald Trump both in 2016 and 2020. After the 2020 election, he supported the use of the Insurrection Act and all additional powers available. He was quoted as saying that he wanted President Trump:

to declare a national emergency, use the Insurrection Act, declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus, set up military tribunals, and suspend the electoral college [vote for president and vice-president] on December 14 and the presidential inauguration on January 20.

A summary of the General’s interview with Nino follows. As one would expect in a conversation, the subjects ran together, so I have separated them below.

2020 election

At the 13-minute point, he said that Trump had 79 million votes to Biden’s 68 million. At the 15-minute mark, he mentioned the recount in Maricopa County and two more recounts in two other states. He believes that the Supreme Court did not want to hear any cases about the election because Chief Justice John Roberts is ‘compromised’ in some way.

He also thinks that coronavirus was engineered to steal the election and that someone cut a deal with the C C P.

The General said that President Trump should have appointed Sidney Powell as special legal counsel in December.

He said that, as nothing has been done:

Americans have got to take control over their country.

As to why Cyber Command did not report election irregularities on the night to the President, he said

I believe we have a Deep State.

He would like to know the reasons why Trump did not contest the election and made this assertion: 

Trump had a lot of the Deep State around him.

He repeated later in the interview that Trump was surrounded by:

Deep Staters.

When asked about his former Vice President, Mike Pence, he said:

I think he is Deep State. He is part of the problem.

He was disappointed that the military did not do anything with regard to the election. He believes that Germany intercepted Dominion votes but took no action:

I think the military’s asleep at the switch.

He said that the United States needs:

a transparent audit that we’re all comfortable with.

He asserted:

Biden did not win.

He explained that votes exceeded voter rolls in all suspect states, a situation that, on a national level, was previously:

unheard of … a stolen election. 

He said that Biden did not win through properly cast votes and that one would have to throw out mail-in votes as well as:

get the right people to look at them.

He thinks the focus needs to be on clean elections for 2022:

We’ve got to just keep banging away at it …

and if done fairly, Trump gets in for 2024.

As for the Q movement, he said:

I don’t know anything about the Q movement.


With regard to coronavirus, at the 17:30 mark, the General said:

Do not take the vaccine.

He revealed that has already had one shot.

He explained that the vaccine is a prophylactic mRNA and that there will be no built-in immunity to COVID-20 and COVID-21.

Whether all the military have had it is still unconfirmed, he said.

He was and is clearly against lockdown. He added that a proper hydroxychloroquine protocol would have been sufficient and also suggested ivermectin. He believes that the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) lied to President Trump.

He mentioned a Dr Northrop, whom he described as a well renowned physician, who says that Americans should stop taking the vaccine.

The General has strong feelings on this subject:

This is our Normandy, this is our Iwo Jima.

He believes that Dr Fauci:

has been part of this cabal.

He mentioned New York’s Governor Cuomo and deplored the nursing home deaths in that state. 

On the other hand, he added, COVID-19 has a 99.2% survival rate and said of the American response:

We over-reacted.

Potentially, he said, Americans could go to ‘camps’ for refusing vaccines. 


General McInerney said that Americans need to be realistic and resolute:

Hope is not a strategy.

He also foresees difficulties later in 2021, with serious problems starting:

this winter.

My readers wonder why President Trump is not doing more to oppose the Biden administration’s agenda. I am not sure that he can do much, if anything, at this point.

I will have more on the concluding days of the Trump administration next week which might help explain his current circumstances. I haven’t written about those final weeks. They have been too painful to consider.

Recently, I’ve been featuring a bit more about Kevin McCarthy (R-California), the GOP Leader of the House of Representatives.

In my December 15 post, I’d doubted whether he’d been on the Trump Train since 2016, but, according to my ancient bookmarks, he took his first step on board in March that year.

By the way, this is still my favourite tweet from the 2020 election. Well done:

Looking back, as early as March 2016, McCarthy, House Majority Leader at the time (Paul Ryan was Speaker of the House), believed that Candidate Trump could galvanise the Republican Party. On March 10 that year, the venerable Sacramento Bee reported (emphases mine):

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Thursday rejected the possible calamitous effects a Donald Trump nomination could have on the Republican Party, arguing instead that the businessman and political newcomer may improve the chances of GOP House challengers in November

He also outlined his hopes for the House:

“Our desire (for) the House is to become the place of ideas,” he said. “Whoever becomes president, make the debate about policy, so when the election is over we can solve the problems. But the American people decided which way they wanted to go.”

He walked alone.

On May 9 that year, he made the risky move of signing up to be a Trump delegate. Politico reported:

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has signed up to serve as a delegate for presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump at this summer’s national convention in Cleveland.

McCarthy’s move is notable in part because House Speaker Paul Ryan has said he is “not ready” to endorse Trump, even though he is the lone Republican remaining in the contest

Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech venture capitalist who was an early investor in Facebook and a past backer of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, signed up as a Trump delegate in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco district.

David Horowitz, a conservative activist, and Richard Grenell, a former spokesman for past U.S. ambassadors to the United States, also are slated to be Trump delegates.

Other notable Trump delegates from the California congressional delegation include Reps. Darrell Issa and Duncan Hunter, who was one of the earliest House members to endorse the Manhattan billionaire.

Late in 2019, Kevin McCarthy strongly supported President Trump through his first impeachment in the House:

Sadly, his optimism was misplaced on the House votes. Fortunately, the Senate acquitted the American president.

In December 2020, he spoke out against election fraud:

Around Christmas, he fought against approving billions in foreign aid when Americans were unemployed because of the coronavirus crisis:

Just after Christmas, PJ Media thought McCarthy had a good chance of replacing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. Oh, if only.

The fragrant Judge Jeanine Pirro was equally hopeful. However, McCarthy dampened her enthusiasm by telling her that Nancy Pelosi was calling back a Democrat congresswoman who had coronavirus to vote in person (true, it happened)! He also said that the Democrats were going to stop freedom of speech as guaranteed under the First Amendment (that also happened). He also thinks that California governor Gavin Newsom will be recalled (I certainly hope so):

Only a few days later, when the break-in of the Capitol building took place and a woman was shot just as electors’ votes were to be tabulated (news of the policeman came later), McCarthy, according to John Solomon’s Just the News, asked President Trump to make a statement:

“This is not the direction we should go,” McCarthy told Fox News.

McCarthy was one of the first to say he heard police saying that shots were fired. To this day, Nancy Pelosi has not said a thing.

Then came calls for President Trump’s second impeachment, which McCarthy rightly objected to, saying that the United States would recover her rightful place as ‘our shining city on a hill’:

Then, the anti-Trump Lincoln Project waded in. How they can use President Lincoln’s name in vain is repulsive, to say the least.

The Lincoln Project objected to Trump defenders such as McCarthy, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and junior Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri):


This is what Kevin McCarthy said when the House held their brief impeachment hearing for President Trump. It’s pretty clear that he objected to a kangaroo court (my words) impeachment with no due process and that is why he said such a move would be divisive for America (around the 3-minute mark):

Not every Trump fan was happy with his speech, but, as GOP Leader, his speech had to be balanced, speaking to both sides of the aisle.

Another Trump fan objected to McCarthy’s opposition to Joe Biden’s push for yet another amnesty. Why is unclear. Perhaps they do not have as many McCarthy bookmarks as I do.

However, everything Kevin McCarthy has said is consistent with his support for President Trump.

The Lincoln Project thought so, too:

At the end of January, Kevin McCarthy visited Mar a Lago to work with President Trump on a strategy to take back the House of Representatives in 2022:

On January 30, the Lincoln Project posted an egregious video aimed at McCarthy. Words fail me. This is a must watch:

On a brighter note, tomorrow’s post will look at some of the newest shining stars in the Republican Party. Kevin McCarthy introduces them one by one.

Somehow, a majority of the world’s population — and 99% of the media-political class — find it entirely believable that Russians interfered in the 2016 presidential election but equally incredulous that election fraud could have taken place in 2020.

Why that is I do not know.

All I can say is that the vitriol heaped upon President Trump after his huge rally in Washington DC on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 was meant equally for his supporters: Deplorables, Irredeemables, as Hillary Clinton labelled them four and a half years ago.

Last Friday, most of the world rejoiced as the American president was banned permanently from Twitter as well as all the other social media on which he had a presence.

Trump has been universally accused of inciting violence, when his final tweets — which Twitter deleted on Wednesday — urged his base to remain peaceful and to return home.

Twitter said they deleted those so that he would not foment further violence. Okay, sure.

It never occurred to Trump loathers that the invasion of the Capitol building was an infiltration of Trump supporters by what we in Europe would call a ‘bloc’, intended to cause mayhem and destruction. We know they exist, because they disrupt peaceful demonstrations here, most notably those of the ‘yellow jackets’, France’s gilets jaunes.

Instead of offering more of my own opinions on the matter, I am borrowing from other sources.

A comment on one of Guido Fawkes’s articles describes concisely what took place last Wednesday. Hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters gathered in the US capital. Unfortunately, Guido’s comment system has no permalinks, but here is the comment, which begins with a complaint against a conservative pundit, Daniel Hannan (emphases mine):

Very disappointed in Daniel Hannan accusing POTUS Donald Trump of treason in the Telegraph .

Trump was not responsible for the mayhem at the US Capitol building. He called for a peaceful demonstration demanding free and fair elections and told people to go home when things got out of hand.

Utah BLM activist John Sullivan was filmed inside the Capitol building encouraging others and persuading the police to leave their posts. Before entering the building he is heard saying ” Lets burn this ****** down “ He organised an Antifa protest near the US Capitol on Wed 6th January and tweeted about BLM buses in DC. He is known for taking part in riots , making threats of violence and criminal mischief and took part in a riot which resulted in the shooting of a motorist ..

Police arrested him on Friday. He was subsequently released. UPDATE — January 14: Gateway Pundit posted a video of Sullivan — Jayden X — bragging he had disguised himself as a Trump supporter on January 6; he was arrested in Utah on January 14, and Gateway Pundit has a photo of his mug shot, courtesy of Tooele County Sheriff’s Office.

Here is the rest of the comment:

It was inevitable that the Democrats would use their Antifa and BLM people to infiltrate the Trump protest and cause trouble for which the Trump supporters would be blamed. They hated Trump because he stated openly that he intended to expose the corruption within government and ‘ drain the swamp’. Unfortunately the corruption was far deeper than even he realised.

This was one of Trump’s final tweets, which Twitter quickly suppressed:

It is most unfortunate that, despite hundreds of affidavits and video evidence showing election interference and fraud, the president of the United States was unable to get legal ‘standing’ in his own re-election. The Supreme Court had backed away weeks earlier.

On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence backed away, rewarded later with an elbow bump and a commemorative coin from Nancy Pelosi. Only a handful of Republican legislators objected to the Electoral College vote tally in the disputed states.

Yes, it’s so much easier to appease the Democrats than fight for the truth.

The Democrats enjoy protests, just not truly largely peaceful ones by Trump supporters. The only trouble was at the Capitol.

Last summer’s fiery, but ‘mostly peaceful’, protests resulted in a new plaza in Washington, DC: B L M Plaza.

Last week’s rally resulted in universal condemnation by the world’s main leaders, including Boris Johnson, who called it ‘completely wrong’ (see around the 29-minute mark here).

Our Speaker of the House, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, a Labour MP, sent an empathetic letter to his US counterpart, Nancy Pelosi:

It reads as follows (H/T Guido Fawkes):

Dear Nancy

I just wanted to express my shock at last night’s events in the Capitol, and to offer you my solidarity against such unprovoked violence.

Seeing your office trashed in that way and its occupation by one of the rioters was particularly outrageous. I am just so relieved you were not hurt, although I can only imagine how violated you must feel after having a protester at your desk.

I hope none of your personal effects were damaged, particularly the lovely picture you so proudly showed me of Churchill’s address to the joint session of US Congress in 1941, which was witnessed by your father.

Suffice to say, you are in my thoughts and prayers – and I look forward to welcoming you to the UK later this year.

With warmest wishes

Sir Lindsay Hoyle Speaker of the House of Commons

I hope that everyone will be happy with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They did not mind last year’s protests. They want to transform America totally, including renaming military bases.

On January 6, Mark Steyn appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss the hypocrisy that Democrats display. Kathy Gyngell, editor of Conservative Woman, had a good article on what he had to say, ‘Sensational Mark Steyn: This IS who we are’.

The Capitol building, apparently, is known as the People’s House. I’d always thought that name was reserved for the White House, but what do I know, having been educated in the US so many decades ago?

Steyn said:

Congress has an approval rating that falls somewhere between Isis and child pornographers. Pundits and politicians can wax mawkish about “the people’s house” but you’d be hard-pressed to find one in a thousand citizens who’s ever used those words in a non-contemptuous sense – and most of the other 999 would assume that the phrase referred to some long-term care facility Andrew Cuomo moves the old folks into for his Covid express checkout.

He touched on the hypocrisy when he implied that it’s okay if one group protests but not another:

People are surprised when a tactic that’s proved effective by one group of people, is taken up by another group . . .

People say “this is not who we are”. Have you not turned on the TV since Memorial Day? This is exactly who we are . . .

Nancy Pelosi told us she didn’t care about old statues. Mitch McConnell said he didn’t care about the names of military bases. But suddenly this old building is important now?

Last June, CNN’s Chris Cuomo — New York State governor Andrew Cuomo’s brother — said, when covering the urban protests, ‘Citizens have no duty to check their outrage’.

Tucker Carlson’s editorial on Friday included Chris Cuomo’s soundbite in a review of last summer’s riots, in which innocent people lost their businesses because their premises were set on fire.

Carlson made it clear that he opposes all violent protests but pointed out that last year’s protests were viewed as acceptable yet this year’s — with minor damage and only in the Capitol building — were not. Again, I am sure the Trump supporters were infiltrated.

You’ll see Mark Steyn after Tucker shares his thoughts. Worth watching, as it’s only around six minutes long:

Something to think about.

I’ll have more on this later in the week.

On Monday, December 14, while the London area worried about moving into severe coronavirus tiers on Wednesday, electors from the 50 US states voted for the next leader of the free world.

Joe Biden won the Electoral College vote 306-232 with no faithless electors, however, the vote still has to be ratified on January 6, 2021, by the new Congress.

Biden gave an acceptance speech, riffing Margaret Thatcher’s of many years ago which featured the Prayer of St Francis:

Guido Fawkes reported that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) acknowledged Biden’s December 14 win:

Our country has officially a President-elect & a Vice President-elect… The Electoral College has spoken… Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.

Newsmax, the new network for disgruntled Fox News viewers, will now refer to the Democrat as President-elect Biden, even though reporters and presenters will continue to cover Team Trump’s election battles.

It will be interesting to see what happens on January 6:

That is what the Trump supporters’ Stop the Steal coalition hopes will happen. They said as much in their press conference after the electors voted and Mitch McConnell announced his congratulations to Biden and Harris:

McConnell doesn’t want any Republicans countering the Electoral College result:

However, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Alabama) is ready:

Brooks explained his position as follows:

I’m quite confident that if we only counted lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, Donald Trump won the Electoral College, and we should not be counting illegal votes and putting in an illegitimate President of the United States.

President Trump is not wrong:

Would Mike Pence be ready to defend the Republic on January 6? He has that power, if he chooses to use it:

But, let’s go back to Monday. A lot happened.

Earlier that day …

President Trump’s adviser and speech writer Stephen Miller (with the dark tie below) spoke about an ‘alternative slate’ of electors:

Miller probably meant this:

I do not know if this would work or not, but former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik says:

The New York Times has a map that shows the result from each state.

In Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania, the electors’ votes went to Biden.

However, Right Side Broadcasting (RSBN) showed a different result for Nevada:

Gateway Pundit reported that Georgia and Pennsylvania — much larger votes — also voted for the incumbent (emphases mine):

Electors in Georgia and Pennsylvania also cast procedural ballots for Trump while the states continue to be contested.

Procedural ballots are cast in states where the result is contested.

Yet, as I mentioned above, the NYT map shows that Biden won those states.

Trouble for Michigan’s Republican electors

Meanwhile, appointed Republican — GOP — electors in Michigan were not allowed to vote. They could not even get in the building.

Gateway Pundit reported and included tweets:

A group of GOP electors on Monday arrived at the Michigan State Capitol to cast their votes for President Trump …

The police would not allow the Republicans in:

The electors are already here, they’ve been checked in,’ the police said as they blocked access to the Capitol.

The police told the Republican electors:

If you have a problem, you can contact the Governor’s office.

Gateway Pundit stated that a Trump elector asked for the Sergeant at Arms. The police replied that he was in a meeting.

With that, the police directed the electors to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s office. She’s a Democrat, by the way:

The Republican electors explained that they wanted to vote because Michigan’s result is in dispute and under investigation (see below):

Meanwhile — Michigan: audit of Antrim County voting equipment

However, other big news took place in Michigan that day. A state judge, Kevin J Elsenheimer, ordered the release of the results of the December 4 audit of Dominion voting machines in Antrim County. (If you’ve ever visited Traverse City, famed for its annual Cherry Festival held in July, you’ve been in Antrim County.)

This is a big victory for Team Trump. As The Election Wizard explains:

The results had been shielded by a protective order, but this morning, Judge Elsensheimer removed that order, clearing the way for the audit results to go public.

The judge further ordered that the case move to the discovery phase and mentioned the case could go to trial by April of 2021.

The hearing was conducted by ZOOM and streamed live on YouTube this morning.

The release of the report is a major victory for President Trump and his supporters, who have called into question the Dominion machines.

However, the journey from December 4 to the 14th was an uneasy one for Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno of the DePerno Law Firm, who represented William Bailey, a member of the team who audited the county’s voting equipment.

Gateway Pundit reported that Bailey and his team looked at everything:

the 16 Dominion voting machines, tabulators, thumb drives, related software and the Clerk’s ‘master tabulator’ used in the November elections in Antrim County, MI.

The audit — inspection — resulted in a ‘collection’ and took eight hours:

With 16 CF cards (similar to SIM cards), 16 thumb drives, and forensic images of the Dominion voting machines in hand, the IT team was escorted to the local Antrim County Airport by two Antrim County Sheriff vehicles, where they boarded their jet plane with evidence in hand.

On the morning of December 5 — the following day — Matthew DePerno received a worrying phone call about a previous legal case about which he’d never had a complaint:

Mr. DePerno received a call from the MI State Bar warning him that they have opened an investigation into a case he tried over a year ago in Lapeer, MI.

In case anyone wonders if Lapeer is near Antrim County, it is in the opposite direction: south east central. Antrim County is in the north west.

The caller told DePerno that the State Bar of Michigan had requested 6,000 pages of documents related to the case that had never had a single complaint filed about it. DePerno told Gateway Pundit that the call might have been ‘an act of intimidation’ on the part of Michigan’s Attorney General, Dana Nessel.

On December 9, DePerno and his client William Bailey awaited the forensic results from the election equipment inspection. While they awaited the outcome, DePerno discovered that he was named in a legal motion regarding Antrim County. It was a protection order filed by AG Dana Nessel to prevent the results of the investigation being made public.

The following day, DePerno filed an emergency order with the aforementioned state judge, Kevin J Elsenheimer, to lift the protection order, which the judge granted on Monday, December 14.

What an ordeal.

Here’s a tweet with a summary of the findings:

Also, on the same topic:

One can only hope that Team Trump can use this information in their legal pursuits.

Georgia Dems gear up for January state run-off

Democrats in Georgia are gearing up for the state senate run-off in early January 2021.

On December 14, Newsmax reported that failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams was ready:

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, now the founder of the voting rights organization Fair Fight, said that Democrats are prepared to win the Senate runoff race in January, and that 1.2 million absentee ballots have already been requested.  

“We know from the numbers that we’re in a good place; 1.2 million absentee ballots have been requested thus far,” Abrams told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.” “Just to put that into context, 1.3 million were requested for all of the general election.”

It is so sad that the United States has sunk this low. I never would have expected it.

Ongoing violence has its part to play

Political violence has been part of America’s urban life since the summer. Granted, it hasn’t been taking place everywhere, but it’s been endemic in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Other sporadic outbursts of violence have occurred in other American cities, including Washington, DC, and towns, such as Kenosha, Wisconsin.

A former Democrat, who is a retired lawyer, commented on this year’s violence on a website for ex-Dems, ex-Hillary supporters. While I disagree with most of it, the first two lines reminded me of what the Bolsheviks must have thought a little over a century ago:

For violence solves nothing, so they say.

But it does change the status quo, in ways words never can

Think about that, then consider one possibility why the Supreme Court might not want anything to do with defending President Trump. This tweet comes from someone who seems to have an inside track on the election:

However, there is no need to be as senior as a Supreme Court Justice to receive threats:

Therefore, it seemed almost natural that the election would have gone to Joe Biden, because those committing the violence are like so many neighbourhood bullies. Sadly, they are much more serious.


For nearly a century, there has been a saying in Europe:

When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.

Good grief, please keep this corruption away from our shores. Thank goodness we have handwritten paper ballots and far fewer mail-in ballots.

Millions of us support President Trump even if we are thousands of miles away.

Just to keep everyone updated: President Donald Trump has not conceded.

On Friday, December 4, Sean Hannity spoke with former New York City mayor Rudy ‘America’s Mayor’ Giuliani about vote discrepancies in the contested states, beginning with Nevada:

Giuliani said that when someone brings a civil lawsuit, the judge assumes that the allegations are ‘true and correct’, yet ‘the judge’ — US state unspecified — ‘did just the opposite’ (emphases mine):

Now, we can get it reversed but he’s accomplished what he wants to accomplish.

He’s delayed things, and, I’m sorry to say, he’s a Democrat. And you can’t tell me he’s made this decision based his on legal knowledge unless he really didn’t go to law school.

On a motion to dismiss, you have to assume that every allegation we make is true, and then say it doesn’t violate the law.

Later on, you get to make a motion for summary judgement … we get a chance for a hearing.

The reason I went to the state legislatures, Sean, is because I saw what the courts were doing, and I wanted to go around them

The Georgia court wouldn’t have allowed those courts to put those witnesses up. The legislature did. In Michigan, the same thing.

We had two Democrat judges and they weren’t allowing us to put witnesses up. But, I was able to get some of the witnesses up there because I went to the legislature.

Now, the simple fact is, we don’t need courts.

The United States Constitution gives sole power to the state legislatures to decide presidential elections.

In fact, if we go back to the Founding Fathers, they would tell us that we’re making a mistake.

This should be thrown right back to the House of Representatives and to the Senate — in each state — and they should hold hearings, they should make factual determinations, and they should decide what the right voter count is.

President Trump sounded off against Governor Kemp of Georgia:

Giuliani had a photo of the suitcases full of ballots in Georgia; I posted a video on Friday:

In Wisconsin, the state’s supreme court threw out a Trump lawsuit:

On Friday, December 4, the Daily Mail reported:

A divided Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday refused to hear President Donald Trump’s lawsuit attempting to overturn his loss to Democrat Joe Biden in the battleground state, sidestepping a decision on the merits of the claims and instead ruling that the case must first wind its way through lower courts.

In another blow to Trump, two dissenting conservative justices questioned whether disqualifying more than 221,000 ballots as Trump wanted would be the proper remedy to the errors he alleged.

The defeat on a 4-3 ruling was the latest in a string of losses for Trump’s post-election lawsuits. Judges in multiple battleground states have rejected his claims of fraud or irregularities.

Trump asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to disqualify more than 221,000 ballots in the state’s two biggest Democratic counties, alleging irregularities in the way absentee ballots were administered. His lawsuit echoed claims that were earlier rejected by election officials in those counties during a recount that barely affected Biden’s winning margin of about 20,700 votes.

Trump’s attorney Jim Troupis said he would immediately file the case in circuit court and expected to be back before the Supreme Court ‘very soon.’

However, a hearing will take place in Wisconsin on December 11.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Wisconsin Republicans will convene a public hearing on the 2020 election irregularities on December 11th. ‘Mil’ below is Milwaukee County:

Who would have ever thought voter fraud could take place in the land of touristy ‘Food, Cheese, Gifts’ (a ginormous sign I saw in my youth on trips to Wisconsin)?

Meanwhile, in Arizona, the state’s Speaker of the House declined requests to overturn the certification of the vote count. In short:

It’s so much easier to do nothing at all. However, doing nothing at all against the Democrats will have severe repercussions for the Great Republic:

It gets worse. Gateway Pundit continues to produce evidence that C h i n a was printing bogus ballots for the election. They have been following this story since November 28.

On December 5, they reported about a video, which has been properly translated into English (emphases in the original):

In the video a caller is heard requesting a bulk order of ballots to ship to the United States.
Here is the video with the translation.

FYI- Our Mandarin speaker confirmed the translation is accurate.

The order was reportedly for 5 million votes.

Two readers noticed that at the 0.54 second mark you can see “Charlotte County Florida” on the ballots …

Here are templates of the Mississippi counterfeit ballots printed in China.

Gateway Pundit have been talking to a former insider, Vinness A. Ollervides, the source for their information:

Here is the video:

On Saturday, President Trump held a successful afternoon rally in Valdosta, Georgia, for the Republican candidates in the state’s run-off election early in January 2021. You can read more about it here. The candidates spoke briefly, while the audience voiced their support for the president with cries of ‘Fight for Trump’:

Elsewhere, President Trump’s supporters are also fighting for him:

The battle continues, so, as my late grandfather used to say, ‘Don’t give up the ship!’

As December begins, here’s where we are with regard to the November 2020 election.

This is another long thread, so feel free to grab some sustenance before reading.

Logical thinkers marvel (not) at Joe Biden’s achieving the impossible:

And then there’s Nate Silver, who rode to fame in predicting Obama’s ascent to the White House in 2008:

This is the raw truth behind Biden’s miraculous win (click on the last tweet to see the rest of the thread):

This is why Trump campaign lawyers continue to contest election results in six disputed states.

State law does not supersede the US Constitution:

The Dems’ battle plan, published in 2019

In 2019, Loyola University’s School of Law published a detailed battle plan on how the Democrats could win the 2020 election. It is over 50 pages long and covers all possible scenarios:

Recommended reading at the weekend.


Arizona’s chapter of the Republican Party does not want the results officially certified:

A hearing took place on Monday, November 30. Phoenix and Scottsdale are in Maricopa County:

This is how wide the disparity of votes is. Also, 100,000 ballots a day needed to be adjudicated:

One witness wanted a nationwide audit of the election results:

Furthermore, an expert witness, Colonel Phil Waldron, says the Dominion machine used was connected to the Internet on Election Day. Traffic went to Frankfurt, Germany. Algorithms changed votes. Another person alleged 35K fraud votes were added to Democrat candidates by spread distribution.

Now the state legislature must come to a decision about the election results:

This is where it gets confusing.

Governor Ducey certified the election that day …

… but a special session of the state legislature could still take place:

Arizona’s Electoral College votes on December 14 could be withheld:

Meanwhile, Trump supporters gathered for a rally that started in the morning and continued into the evening:

It is astounding that a Republican governor would want to hasten the swearing in of a Democrat senator, especially after a lengthy hearing about election fraud took place.

Twitter censored at least one witness at the hearing:

On Wednesday, December 2, Doug Ducey was served with a lawsuit on his certification. This means that he must decertify Arizona’s results:


Lucian Lincoln ‘Lin’ Wood Jr continues to pursue the truth in Georgia, his home state:

Georgia’s governor and lieutenant governor — Republicans — claim there was no voter fraud:

Suppose there has been foreign interference:

Wood has been investigating the voting machines:

On December 2, Breitbart published an assortment of Democrat campaigns to which Lin Wood donated in the past. The article also claims that Wood wants Trump supporters to vote for Democrat candidates in the upcoming state run-off elections.

Wood replied that he wants the Republican state candidates to take a tougher stand against the governor before the run-off:

That same day, The New American reported that Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger began investigations into several groups trying to rig the January 5 run-off election:

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has initiated investigations into various groups, including one founded by former Georgia gubernatorial candidate and “voter suppression” alarmist Stacey Abrams, for seeking to “aggressively” register “ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters” before the January 5 runoff elections.

Raffensperger’s office on Wednesday said the investigations probe groups like America Votes, Vote Forward and The New Georgia Project — which was founded by Abrams and previously chaired by Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock.

For weeks, Raffensperger warned against registering individuals who are ineligible to vote in Georgia’s runoff elections and against encouraging people to come to Georgia with the sole aim of casting ballots in the election …

On Wednesday, the secretary of state stated that his office has “received specific evidence that these groups have solicited voter registrations from ineligible individuals who have passed away or live out of state.”

“I will investigate these claims thoroughly and take action against anyone attempting to undermine our elections,” he assured.

President Trump will be appearing in Georgia on Saturday, November 5, to rally support the Republican candidates.

On Thursday, December 3, a ‘blockbuster’ video of suitcases of ballots emerged:

More follows in this thread, where you can see a Democrat deny what happened.


After Arizona, Michigan was the next stop:

On Friday, November 13, Judge Timothy Kenny of the Third Circuit Court dismissed witness testimony regarding alleged voter fraud at the TCF Center (Cobo Hall, in old money) where ballots were being tabulated.

Judge Kenny dismissed the testimony because the witnesses, in his words, were:

not credible.

It is interesting, then, that Judge Kenny has been releasing violent criminals from prison because of coronavirus.

On Sunday, November 29, the Gateway Pundit reported (emphasis in the original):

The Detroit News broke the story, and they have not been given all the records they requested. The only time period covered so far has been from March through September 21, meaning there could be many more.

This includes alleged child molesters. And violent felons.

And it includes an alleged rapist who went on to allegedly rape while freed by Judge Kenny.

Back in March, Kenny said he would not release any violent offenders, but he did anyway:

The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office told the Detroit News: “Judge Kenny is ultimately the person determining who will be released. Prosecutor Worthy believes that Judge Kenny has been very responsible about not releasing violent criminals.”

Prosecutor Worthy!

This next bit is from the Detroit News, but I could not find the direct link on Gateway Pundit. The released convicts are not people you’d invite round for tea (emphasis mine):

…released from the Wayne County Jail were Jameel Bradley and Kaylin Drewery, both of whom were convicted of third-degree criminal sexual conduct, meaning their victims were either aged 13-16, or the abusers were in positions of authority over them.


Judge Kenny obviously does not care about the people of Michigan — or the people of the United States. He releases violent criminals. He also dismisses serious allegations of voter fraud.

Gateway Pundit has a video of several people who testified about alleged voter fraud in TCF Center in Detroit. They testified in Lansing, the state’s capital on Tuesday, December 1 (emphases in the original):

Over the past three weeks The Gateway Pundit and our team in Detroit have interviewed DOZENS of GOP elections observers who were threatened, abused, attacked and harassed at the TCF Center in Detroit, Michigan following the 2020 election landslide for President Donald Trump.

Several of these observers witnessed carloads of ballots arriving at the center in the middle of the night on November 4th marked for Joe Biden.

These observers described their abuse at the TCF being followed around by far left goons and being locked out of the ballot counting room.

This was corruption and fraud at its worst.
And the Democrat Party condones this violence and theft.

A hearing took place on December 2, wherein witnesses said they have been threatened, intimidated and may not be able to find jobs:

Here is one witness’s testimony. Please watch:


By the time you read this, an inspection will have taken place in Clark County, where Las Vegas is located:

Discovery continues with Sidney Powell’s team:

If the Democrats are certain they won legitimately, why would they beat someone up?

Re the discovery by Jesse Binnall, the Gateway Pundit reported that incentives were allegedly exchanged for votes (emphases mine):

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Jesse Law, one of the Trump Electors represented by Jesse Binnall in the trial that is set to begin on Thursday.

One of the issues sited in the lawsuit is improper campaigns in the Native American community, which appear to be bribes, in exchange for votes and registering to vote.

Law explained that “if we are to believe the many articles out these days that claim the Native American vote was critical to the election results this year, then yes, as it appears from your reporting and others’ that this was a widespread effort in many tribal areas and states. Being from Nevada, I am familiar with a lot of the ongoing economic issues facing Native American communities and I think it’s cynical and sad the way they appear to have been taken advantage of by this votes for dollars scheme.”

As the Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday evening, Native Americans in Arizona, Nevada and a slew of other states were given gift cards, televisions, electronics, and even resort stays in exchange for voting. These efforts were partially funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and government agencies …

When asked how confident he is that the lawsuit will succeed, Law said that if the court is fair, they will win.

If the judge will allow all the evidence to be heard, I think it will be very successful because this is a clear case of illegal behavior no matter how you spin it, and that coupled with the many other categories of voter fraud that occurred in this state well over count for the difference in current tallies for the presidential election.”

A hearing was held yesterday, December 2. Matt Schlapp, who is helping with Team Trump’s efforts, was confident of their evidence:

Yesterday, a Nevada judge decided not to rule on the hearing until today, Friday, December 4:


On Friday, November 27, a Circuit Court judge dismissed one lawsuit by Team Trump:

Republicans in the state legislature tried a last-ditch effort, but it was not good enough:

Not only were there not enough sponsors, the legislature is now adjourned until January 2021:

News emerges from Solomon Yue, the Vice Chairman & CEO at Republicans Overseas, that four US Supreme Court Justices have agreed to take the Pennsylvania case.


On December 2, a new lawsuit was filed in Wisconsin. Developing:

The following day, the Gateway Pundit reported (emphases in the original):

President Trump’s team’s recent lawsuit in Wisconsin must be over the target. 

Is this why a Madison, Wisconsin Attorney pushed back and threatened Gateway Pundit after our reporting on absentee and ‘indefinitely confined’ ballots in Wisconsin?

This is about Dane County, where Madison is:

Thousands of IC votes were observed by recount watchers in Dane County that were in pristine condition rather than being folded or showing any sign of wear and tear. The same was observed in thousands of absentee votes with the initials of ‘MLW’ on them.

RedState has more details. An excerpt — an overview — follows:

This Complaint initiating the Election Contest challenges several categories of ballots that were counted by the Election Boards of Dane and Milwaukee Counties during the recount process, all of which were the subject of objections by the Trump Campaign during the recount process. The objections were denied by the Election Boards, and the ballots were included in the final tabulated results.

President Trump speaks out

President Trump spoke for 46 minutes on December 2 (full transcript here, at the end of the post):

Newsmax has a summary of the points he made about the election and about the Department of Justice’s non-investigation into the spying that took place into his 2016 campaign.

An excerpt from Newsmax’s article follows (emphases mine):

Even what I am saying now will be demeaned and disparaged, but that’s OK. I just keep on going forward.”

Their mail-in voting scam is the latest part of their four-year effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election, and it’s been like living in Hell.”

Separate from his lengthy list of alleged fraudulent acts, Trump took a moment to rip special counsel John Durham for moving too slowly.

Trump lamented that findings from Durham’s investigation into potential FBI malfeasance in its probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 political cycle did not surface before the most recent election last month, effectively altering the course of the race.

“We caught them all,” Trump said from the White House Diplomatic Room. “We’re still waiting for a report from a man named Durham who I’ve never spoken to and never met. They can go after me before the election as much as they want, but unfortunately Mr. Durham didn’t want to go after these people . . . before the election, so who knows if he’ll ever even do a report.”

Attorney General William Barr has granted Durham special counsel authority in his investigation of the investigators.

“If you look at the lies and leaks and illegal acts done by so many people,” Trump insisted, “something should happen. The hardest thing I have to do is explain why nothing is happening to all of these people who got caught spying on my campaign.”

But it was the fraud claims dominating the president’s remarks, as he reemphasized his claim that the Nov. 3 election was “rigged.” This, though AG Barr announced he has unearthed no proof of widespread voter fraud that would alter the outcome of the vote. Major news outlets have declared Biden winner, a conclusion Trump’s legal team is challenging on the basis of those fraud claims.

(Though Newsmax has called several battleground states for Biden following official certification of their vote tallies, it has not yet called the overall election for either man, pending the outcome of the legal challenges.)

“This is not just about honoring the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for me,” Trump said. “It’s about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election. And in all future elections.”

His overarching claim: “This election is about great voter fraud, fraud that has never been seen like this before.”

I knew from the beginning that Bill Barr, who served in the Bush administration, was bad news. I also had little faith in Durham.


Anything could happen in the days ahead.

Things could get rough:

Or this could all proceed calmly.

This is an excellent interview clip from the days of Citizen Trump:

It looks as if that fateful day has arrived for President Trump:

We should be careful what we wish for.

If this does not prove the existence of a Uniparty, what does?

What a pity.

Millions of us will continue to pray for President Trump, his family, his campaign lawyers and all who have filed affidavits and given testimony in hearings.

May the truth be acknowledged — soon.

This is my longest post to date, but it is informative. You might need a cuppa and a snack.

At the weekend, I read a few articles on the mid-November raid on the CIA server farm in Frankfurt, Germany.

It sounds like something out of a blockbuster film, but when I saw two retired generals’ names in the mix, I began to pay closer attention.

First, my thanks to reader john cheshire who sent me the link to a Bill Still video on this topic from Saturday, November 28.

Unlike the usual Bill Still videos, this one is only seven minutes long and well worth watching, especially for the night-time footage of Ospreys flying over the server farm:

Still is reserving comment until more information comes out to authenticate everything.

Secondly, consider everything developing, although we do have the recently-pardoned General Michael Flynn’s word that the election was stolen. More on that later in this post.

Before proceeding, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) brought news of the raid on Friday, November 13:

On Sunday, November 29, Andrea Widburg wrote another considered article for American Thinker: ‘New reports about election manipulation read like a Tom Clancy novel’. They certainly do.

First of all, for those who want to know what the Kraken is in US military intelligence parlance, it is (emphases mine):

the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion; that The Kraken identified China, Iran, and Russia as being involved in using the Hammer & Scorecard system to manipulate American votes; that the servers used for this were in a CIA facility in Frankfurt; that special forces raided the facility; and that there were casualties

However, Kraken — especially as top lawyer Sidney Powell refers to it — also encompasses the US Department of Defense’s:

cyber warfare weapons (“Kraken”)

Widburg did a good job of summarising what allegedly happened:

On Friday, a retired top Air Force intelligence analyst stated with certainty during an interview that special forces had secured a CIA-run facility in Germany that had computers showing election manipulation. If this report is real, we are witnessing the biggest coup attempt, sabotage, and treason in American history. No matter what, though, because this report is out there and comes from serious people, it deserves serious investigation.

I have no idea whether this raid happened. Its having taken place, however, is consistent with my ruminations about Trump’s peculiarly-timed shake-up at the Pentagon: Firing defense secretary Mark Esper and replace him with Christopher Miller, a special forces man; moving special forces into their own command, rather than having them function as subsets of other military branches; and firing potentially disloyal members of the civilian Defense Policy Board. These actions indicated that Trump was clearing the decks for something big.

In this post, I’ll sum up the most recent reports about events in Germany, although without taking any stand as to their veracity because I can’t take a stand. I don’t know enough.

For several days, rumors have swirled that there was a “military” raid in Germany, either against Scytl (the Spanish company that processes American voting data in a facility in Frankfurt, Germany) or against a CIA station that is also located in Germany. On Friday, those rumors coalesced into an affirmative report about the CIA station in Germany.

Widburg then cited an article from Friday, November 27 from Dr Mike Adams, AKA Healthranger: ‘Situation Update — Nov. 27th — DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe’.

Excerpts follow, emphases in the original. Mine are in purple:

At this very minute, a covert war is raging across the globe, pitting Trump’s DoD and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) against black hat deep state factions running the CIA.

The good news is: Trump is winning.

As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.

One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being “killed in Somalia.” Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a “helicopter crash” in Egypt.

Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to President Trump’s private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret information, since his security clearance has been restored.

Enter the fearless Sidney Powell:

Sidney Powell is about to roll out expert witnesses in the Georgia and Michigan lawsuits. One of these witnesses has been handed details of the vote theft which were acquired through two means: 1) The “Kraken” cyberwarfare program run by the DoD, and 2) Information found in the servers which were acquired during the multiple raids. (There were also server farm raids in Bercelona and Toronto, we are told.)

One of these witnesses is Dr. Keshavarz-Nia, a well-known cybercrimes investigator, who has a long history of working with U.S. military counterintelligence, as well as the NSA and CIA.

He has now offered sworn statements to Sidney Powell, which can be viewed at this link.

Dr Adams shares a portion of Dr Keshavarz-Nia’s testimony:

I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor. The backdoor enables an operator to access to perform system updates and testing via the Internet without detection. However, it can also be used to conduct illicit activities such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time… I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in a hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.

I really hope Mike Adams is correct:

And so the circle is complete: DoD forces deploy cyber warfare weapons (“Kraken”) as well as kinetic troops (Special Forces, under the US Army) to acquire physical servers, all the information derived from these operations is extracted by DIA forensic analysts, it is then handed over to various expert witnesses who are prepared to testify under oath, resulting in the courts nullifying the fraudulent vote manipulations in the swing states.

This is how Trump gets to 300+ electoral votes and secures his second term as President. If successful, these revelations will also utterly destroy the Democrat party and result in thousands of treasonous actors going to prison for their roles in this attempted cyber warfare election theft to overthrow the United States government.

Wow. You could not make this up.

Some of us are familiar with a retired US military officer who writes under the pseudonym of Turcopolier.

On November 15, two days after Louis Gohmert’s news of the raid emerged, Turcopolier posted an article by former long-time CIA analyst Larry Johnson, ‘Unraveling the Deep State Coup’. Excerpts follow, emphases mine.

I have been reading Larry Johnson since 2008. He has never been wrong.

Johnson explains why many of us doubted not Gohmert as much as the information he received:

When I saw this it did not make sense. Let me explain. I spent four years working at State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (now it is the Bureau of Counter Terrorism). I was one of two officers who dealt directly with the FBI in the investigation of the terrorist bombing of Pan Am 103. I learned through this experience that US law enforcement cannot operate in other countries without the permission of those countries.

I also spent 22 years scripting terrorism exercises for U.S. military special operations. My job was to replicate State Department and Embassy communications that would occur during a terrorist crisis. So, I have a lot of experience in working real world with US law enforcement, US military and our Embassies in sorting out the issues that arise when the United States wants to pursue a law enforcement or military operation in a foreign country.

The U.S. Army did not conduct a raid in Germany on either Sctyl or Dominion offices or servers. They are foreign nationals and we must operate in accordance with German law. Moreover, the U.S. Army does not have law enforcement powers with respect to such entities.

However, there is a group who can bypass these restrictions:

So what happened? I am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.

Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through US Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings.

This is not the first time that a military unit attached to EUCOM has compelled a CIA computer facility to hand over evidence. A dear friend of mine (a retired DEA officer) told me about an incident where he entered a CIA facility in Frankfurt backed up by the US Army to get info the CIA was withholding (this took place in the 1980s).

Johnson surmises that the CIA and FBI directors were unaware of the raid at the time:

I also have confirmed what Jim Hoft reported the other night–the CIA’s Gina Haspel was not informed in advance of this operation. Based on this fact, I think it is correct that action was taken in Germany on territory under U.S. control and that a CIA facility was targeted.

I also have learned that FBI Director Christopher Wray was excluded from this operation. Wray, more than Haspel, has been working aggressively to undermine and sabotage Donald Trump. This means that some other U.S. law enforcement agency (e.g., US Marshals, DEA, Secret Service, etc) had the lead in collecting the evidence.

But there’s more.

On Saturday, November 28, retired US Army Generals Michael Flynn and Thomas McInerney, an expert in cyber warfare, gave an interview to on Brannon Howse’s show, World View Report. Mary Fanning also participated. She is the author of the book: THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup “The Political Crime of the Century”: How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn … and everyone else.

Healthranger kindly provided a full transcript of the interview. Excerpts follow. I have divided the text into paragraphs for easier reading.

Healthranger provided a useful summary before going into the transcript:

  • HAMMER and various cyber weapons were previously used by the USA against other countries, now the weapons are being deployed against us. Obama is behind everything.
  • Creator of HAMMER and Scorecard is Den[n]is Montgomery, former CIA analyst.
  • Fox flipped against America, deep state coup coordinators recruited the entire U.S. media and Big Tech to defeat the Republic and overthrow the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Dec. 14th deadline doesn’t matter. President Trump should not leave office until all the facts surrounding election theft are analyzed, including vote count distributions “caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of targeted voting machines.”
  • The fact that all 5 battleground states stopped counting at the same time, “Demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in five battleground states.” Then they used HAMMER and Scorecard, plus Dominion, to move Joe Biden into the lead. It is a “mathematical impossibility” the way the votes came in. An algorithm was used.
  • In PA, 1.8 million ballots mailed out to people. 2.5 million came back in. Someone had a printing press and was printing them out.
  • The 305th Battalion military intelligence is “Kraken.”
  • China, Iran, Russia were all involved in manipulating votes.
  • Confirmed that US Special Forces Command seized servers from the CIA server farm in Frankfurt.
  • Confirmed there were US soldiers killed during the raid on the CIA server farm in Frankfurt. (As we reported in yesterday’s Situation Update.)
  • Chris Miller is Secretary of Defense because of the 305th Battalion. Consider why…
  • Chris Krebs at CISA committed treason and is part of the coup.
  • What went down during the election is TREASON at the highest level, not just politics.
  • Trump can maintain control over the White House, under oath, until a full investigation is complete, and there are no artificial deadlines that can stop him.
  • The President took an oath that obliges him to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This is why he cannot turn over the White House to political puppets (Biden) controlled by America’s enemies (China, Iran).
  • The big evidence from the seized servers is going to come out at SCOTUS, not before.
  • Once caught, mid-level treasonous actors will point fingers at Biden and Obama, saying they were ordered to carry out the treasonous acts.
  • Georgia’s runoff election is already stolen by the Democrats unless we stop the vote theft. It’s just a digital theft for them. This means the Senate will be lost to the Democrats unless this vote fraud infrastructure is exposed and defeated.
  • A lot of instability is coming if we allow the government to be seized by communists.
  • All this goes up to the very top, implicating Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Barack Obama and others.
  • Trump knew all this was going to happen and had planned for it.

This was Gen Flynn’s first interview after President Trump pardoned him.

Brannon Howse invited him to speak first.

Flynn said:

… I would tell you what’s happening in this country should never happen, and we are going through, there’s no doubt in my mind, we’re going through a crucible of history.

If we don’t correct what it is that’s happening right now over the next couple of weeks, then I really hate to even think about what will happen in our country going forward into the latter part in December and certainly into the next month. I do not believe for a second that the country will accept Vice-President Biden as the next president, based on what we know to be probably the greatest fraud that our country has ever experienced in our history.

What we’re seeing, what I’m in right in the middle of it right now, and I will tell you that, first of all, the President has clear paths to victory. They have clear paths to victory, and they actually don’t require a lot of courtroom action. What they require is they require a lot of honesty out of elected officials and frankly, a lot of Americans who are coming forward and telling us their stories. The hundreds and hundreds of Americans around the country in different states, not just the swing states, but many, many other states that are coming forward with their stories and putting them down on affidavits as witnesses.

We had probably 10 or 12 affidavits come in from one particular state today, and because there’s been a number of threats to people, these particular Patriots, they sent their photos in with their affidavits and said, “Put mine up at the top of the list because I want people to know that I’m not going to be afraid of these people that are threatening our country and our way of life.”

I say all that and on one hand and the other hand as I just described, we have clear paths to victory for this President. Frankly, he’s going win Pennsylvania. He’s going to win Arizona. He’s going to win Georgia. He’s going to win Nevada. He’s going to win Michigan. The other one that he’s probably going to pull in is Wisconsin too, because there’s a discrepancy in Wisconsin of 130,000 … ballots that they just found, they just discovered. There’s a lot of things happening and it’s all, to me, it’s all positive.

I was asked today on a scale of 1 to 10, who will be the next President, and I said, 10 it’ll be Donald Trump. It’ll be president Trump. There’s no doubt in my mind that he won this election hands down in a landslide, probably somewhere between 350 and 400 electoral college votes.

What we have seen is over, and I know this, over the last probably two decades and probably longer, I can give you a little bit of a history lesson in that, but I won’t. But over the last couple of decades, what we have seen is a complete shift in how fast I believe that communist China in their long-term plan decided that to sort of move up their plans to become the global superpower, sole global superpower on the planet.

Their sort of plan was by about the middle of this century that we’re in right now, and I believe when during the last 2016 election, when they didn’t get the candidate that they needed and the kind of ideology that they saw America moving towards, they were not going to allow 2020 to happen, and so now what we have is this theft with mail in ballots.

The theft with this software, Smartmatic software and Dominion, these Dominion systems. These are systems that are not owned by this country. They’re owned by other — they were introduced into this country. How can we say as the United States of America, how can we say that we accept a system that is not made in this country and in many cases, the ballots aren’t even tallied in this country?

They weren’t in 2012, either. I remember reading that the Obama-Romney votes were counted in … Spain. Romney was ahead until the very end, when the votes flipped. I could not believe my eyes as I watched a major US network’s coverage.

Flynn continued:

We probably, in fact, we know we have evidence of previous elections where this happened as well, but we’re now focused on this one. I’m going to tell you, we’re not in this to lose. We are not in this to lose these battles, we’re in this to win these battles and I believe we’re going to. I believe we’re going to win, and I’m confident we are because we have the right people, we have the right plan and strategy, and it’s a little bit of direct and a little bit of indirect that we’re taking, and people are talking all the time to each other. I’m anxious and you probably hear it in my voice that I’m a little anxious because I just cannot believe the media and the censorship that is going on. Just look at what they do to the President of the United States of America. Look what Twitter is doing to the President of the United States of America. This is, it’s infuriating to me … It’s an abomination of the first amendment, our freedom of speech. Frankly, for the President of United States of America, the only means that he really has to be able to communicate is when he walks outside, or he goes in front of a group of people, or he walks outside and talks to the press, or he uses social media to communicate because the media is not going to allow him to get his message out there.

He cited the case of a retired military officer, now a state senator, who gave a closing speech at the hearing in Pennsylvania last Wednesday. Twitter removed the man’s account:

It was an extraordinary hearing with politicians from Pennsylvania centers on a panel, and the one Senator that ran the panel for the state of Pennsylvania, that listened to the hearing, listen to a bunch of witnesses, listen to Rudy, listened to Jenna Ellis, and others on their team. The individual that ran it was a retired Military Colonel, and he’s now a state senator in Pennsylvania, and he gave, at the very end of it, he gave a really good short summary speech, and it was heartwarming because it was sort of a mom and apple pie that, “Hey, we can’t allow this to happen in our country. We cannot portray ourselves to the world as a third world nation”. It was a really, really good closing speech, and what did Twitter do? Twitter took him offline immediately. They completely removed his Twitter account so people couldn’t follow this guy. It’s just outrageous, it’s outrageous. That’s a social media company that is a part of the public square. They are taken advantage of what they have been given, which is a real privilege and they’re abusing it. I could go on and on, I’m going to stop and just see if you have any questions on anything or you want to jump in on anything I said, but I, I’m upset, I am determined, I’m going to be resilient, and I believe that I reflect millions and millions of millions of people across this country who feel the exact same way that I do.

Howse asked Flynn about his use of the word ‘coup’ in his thank you speech to President Trump.

Flynn gave a long reply, the nub of which follows:

This COVID situation that we we’re having to deal with now. That’s the first phase if you will. That’s something that’s been going on for years. Now, we’re moving into something different. Not different in terms of it, this is still a coup in progress, but now it’s a little bit different and it’s actually — it’s sort of they upped their game when they lost in 2016. I think that there was a decision and I believe this, but there was some type of decision to say, “We’re not going to allow this to happen again”.

All you got to do is go back and listen to some of the comments this past summer from some of the senior people that are part of this, this democratic party, right? I mean, Hillary Clinton, I think it was back in July or certainly mid-summer timeframe where she said, no matter what Joe Biden should not concede. What are we talking about there? I mean, why would she say that in the middle of the summer, three, maybe four months before an election?

One of the things that I do know from my experience in the military and in different places around the world, is when your enemy tells you that they’re going to do something, you better pay attention to what they said, and you better have some plans, and you better have some ideas about how to deal with that if in fact that does come to fruition.

Well, in this case, we have opposing camps and in our opposing camps of our political parties, and we know that the political party on the left is really way, way over on the left. I have a hard time calling it or calling someone a Democrat or the democratic party. That’s a name only folks, because it’s really the democratic socialist party of America that has usurp to taken over that element, and they are a very loud voice. So, they sort of [do a] ‘Katy, bar the door’ assault on us, on our country and our way of life, and they’re doing anything they can right now to try to pretend like, okay, nothing to see here, and Joe is going to be our next president here.

Flynn said that Democrats are also filing affadavits about what they saw during the election:

People who have stood up and said, “I’m sick of it”. These are Democrats and Republicans. We just got another piece tonight in another part of the country from a Democrat, a woman who’s just absolutely sick and tired of what she saw, and she just wasn’t sure what to do, and she finally said, “I got to go forward, and I got to report this. I can’t live with myself”. That is what’s happening with people who are feeling in their heart that sense of patriotism to still say, “Look, I don’t want my country to turn into something else because that’s what these people want” … People want to live the life that they have with the liberties and freedoms that we have under this great constitutional republic that we have. That’s sort of where we are and that’s what I mean by that. This is an ongoing effort.

Flynn said that the media have been an essential element to the Democrats’ efforts:

The only way you can do that in a country our size, with all of the ways that we communicate is you got to basically get the media on your side. That’s taken some number of years, but I can’t stand here and tell you that that’s not the case because it is, everybody knows. Everybody knows the, “mainstream media”, which is a pretty robust group of organizations and that includes the tech companies, right? I say tech companies, the social media tech companies, everything from Facebook to Instagram, of course, Twitter I mentioned. All of these things, they are trying to control a narrative and tell the American people what they should know instead of allowing the American people information and letting each of us decide what’s important or not.

Brannon Howse asked if this was a form of information warfare.

Flynn replied, mentioning China:

It’s more than that but yes, it’s kind of the type of warfare.

In fact, if you study Chinese doctrine, Chinese doctrine has six phases. The first five phases all have to do with information. The last part of it would be if those failed or if you needed an additional “umph” so to speak, you go to the gates I say. That’s when you may see something kinetic. We’re in this sort of period of information warfare that it’s unprecedented.

I’m going to stand on my box here and say the President of the United States of America is being censored by US companies. Think about that, I’m at a loss sometimes when I talk about it and I talk about it a couple of times a day to different people in different groups, and I’m trying to say, “Okay, at a certain point in time, that has to stop being allowed”.

He brought up the woeful Thanksgiving Day press conference from November 26:

Look at the interview that he did yesterday, where we had, somebody is talking to the President of United States in his office there, and he had to counsel the person. “Don’t talk to them. Don’t talk to me like that. Don’t talk to the President of United States like that”. It’s like a bunch of school punks in a school yard. We can’t have that in this country. Debate and sharp questions but not totally, totally disrespect, to not just the President.

You may not like him and that’s fine, but he represents the Presidency of the United States of America. He represents our flag, our constitution, our country.

Everything that we’re experiencing right now actually is more than just an assault on President Trump. This is an assault on the American Republic, on this great country that we have and people around the country.

I know they’re fed up with it and they’re not going to put up with it. What they’re waiting to see is they’re waiting to see the outcome of their own elected officials in the states do their job. Just because CNN or Fox News or a governor or a secretary of state certify an election, if the state legislature has not certified the election then it’s not certified in a particular state. If there’s a challenge and there’s a legitimate legal challenge then they can’t sit there and certify it while there’s a legal challenge ongoing, it’s just not the way it works.

The media is not going to cover any of that for you. The big media, they’re just not going to cover it, and it’s sad because they’re trying to shove it down our throat, and the American public, they see right through it.

While Flynn gave Sidney Powell credit for ‘some really good filings’, he did not want to discuss her work.

However, he did include her in the group of lawyers working hard for Trump. He concluded:

With people like Sidney Powell, like Rudy Giuliani and his team, like people like Lin Wood, who’s fighting tooth and nail. Most people don’t even know, his case that he’s got going on in Georgia just got picked up by the 11th circuit, down in Georgia, and that’s a good sign, because that means that the one judge down there that thought he was going to dismiss his case, the 11th circuit pulled it out of him and brought it up to their level, to an appeals level because they saw that there was enough evidence. So, I believe we’re going to see some momentum changing here. There are already is an undercurrent of momentum shifting for the president, and I believe that at the end of the day, we’re going to find out that he won by a massive landslide, and he’ll be inaugurated this January.

Howse segued to the part of the interview with Gen McInerney.

Flynn said:

Great friend, and Tom, thank you for giving me the invite. God bless America. Thank you. Thank you.

Gen McInerney spoke:

Well, it is absolutely vital because this was the first time that I believe that General Flynn has been able to speak publicly and in such environment, and so I want to thank you for setting this up, and I know Mary talked to you and it’s very important what you have are doing tonight because it is a fast moving train, and that’s why I wanted you to do it because we are seeing the most unprecedented situation in the history of America.

This is the most dangerous situation since the Civil War of keeping this nation united, and why do I say that? The Civil War, it was just warfare, the day you and General Flynn talked about cyber warfare. Cyber warfare is hiddenYou don’t see it coming, it happens. All of a sudden, 138,000 votes or 150,000 votes, all of a sudden they show up, and because we’re looking at computers, we assume they’re all legitimate, but in this particular case, they are not legitimate, and because of what Sidney Powell has been doing with General Flynn’s lawyer and what she submitted in the state of Georgia and Michigan on a Wednesday night, the night before Thanksgiving, we got a document in that log, in those lawsuits from a doctor.

Navid Keshavarez-Nia, who is a 59-year-old resident of California, who spent 40 years almost in the DC metropolitan as a career intelligence community expert. I won’t go into his background very much, but because of this declaration that he made in which I am quoted and independently confirming he uses my name. Kurt Weeby, who was a former NSA official, a good friend of ours, and working with Mary and I, and Dennis Montgomery, a former CIA analyst who was really the creator, inventor of the Hammer and Scorecard capabilities, and that we broke, and we broke it on Sunday and Monday before the election saying that this was going to be an action that will happen, and what transpired did in fact transpire.

Mary was very instrumental in informing me of this information, and all of a sudden, two days before, two and a half days before the voting started on the 3rd of November, this was the 1st of November, I became involved in the Voting gate. My background is a military analyst, and for 16 and a half years I was on Fox News as a military analyst. I have been the number three man in the air staff in the Air Force, and so I had a great background, but what made this so easy for me, Brannon, is I run a cloud company, an edge cloud company. I am intimately familiar with this kind of technology and what it’s doing and live by it in my military days.

Everybody remembers when we attacked Tripoli in 1986. I was the commander and they launched from my bases in England. Now, I got that information from the British and other sources, but my whole life has been based on this, and what I’m seeing now is those technologies now are used against the American people. They are trying to seize control of this nation through technology and through cyber warfare. They have enlisted to include Fox News who flipped on us. They have enlisted the mainstream media and the First Amendment to try to get on their side and General Flynn talked about the censorship.

For instance, Twitter does and determines what president Trump can say. That is ridiculous. It must stop, but because of all these assets and they are using and misusing the constitution of the United States, they have put us in a position that our forefathers were not aware of cyber warfare, and so when they set out in the constitution, the process of our election and going through the electoral college, the voters meeting on 14 December, announcing who the president will be, and then going through in the 20th of November, the inauguration, that was not based upon cyber warfare, and so we have a time clock and I bring this up to our listeners.

We have a time clock, and we have to go through the legal system. This was not designed to operate in the cyber world, and so we had many judges turning down and not recognizing what has happened. That is the challenge that we are facing and what my point I wanted to get across tonight. It doesn’t matter if we have locked and sealed this decision process by the 14th of December, the president should not leave office until it is adequately heard.

We, the American people will demand that these facts be analyzed and looked at, and I’m going to cover some of those facts that have made it so compelling to me that there is no question about it. Let’s start with the vote count distribution in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia are not based on normal system operation. They are caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of the targeted voting machines. For instance, at 2:30 AM of the 4th of November, TV broadcast reported that Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada and Georgia have decided to seize vote counting operations and will continue the following day. This unanimous decision to initially and intentionally stopped counting by all five battleground states is highly unusual.

As a matter of fact, it is unprecedented, and it demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in battleground states. Those five states that General Flynn mentioned, and because of this big flashing light to anybody that understands the voting process, it immediately flagged this. We start looking at each one of those states because they didn’t stop counting. All of a sudden in Michigan at four o’clock in the morning, 138,000 votes show up, all for, guess who: Biden. He was behind in all those States where they decided to cease voting, and that’s where they employed cyber warfare, the Hammer and Scorecard, the Dominion voting machines and the software in them. That’s where they put these applications on, like your iPhone and they got a smooth voting.

Now, when the numbers came, started coming back in those five states, they were different numbers. 138,000 in Michigan, 90,000 in Arizona, this is notional. The different one in Nevada and Georgia and Pennsylvania. The important point was they were exactly at the same percentage.

This is a mathematical impossibility that this could have happened, and it means that algorithm was used, and this algorithm was designed to stay within the bounds, and when the assembled numbers were put together, it wouldn’t be obvious that these numbers of votes were inserted. This is a huge flashing red light, and it’s important that people understand what this kind of data that we’re seeing.

Sidney pointed out in Georgia, that they’re 96,000 absentee votes that were disregarded in Fulton County, they had a water leak. Pennsylvania, the state of Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8 million votes to their citizens. The state did, these are not absentee ballots. These were balanced that had no chain of custody, lo and behold Brannon, 2.5 million came back.

If someone had to have a printing press and we’re cranking them out, that is just the pure sniff test. It doesn’t require a genius to understand if you mail out 1.8 and get 2.5 million ballots, something is wrong.

Now, Sidney and the president’s crew, I believe General Flynn, got the crack in the organization. The 305 military intelligence battalion working with them because in all of this, we have not seen any footprints of the DOJ or the FBI, nor the CIA on the friendly side.

Howse asked about the Kraken.

McInerney replied:

Sidney got the term Kraken. It was actually the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion, and that has been her source along with other sources that Mary and I know about, but we don’t want to talk about.

We’re getting the different sources that are relaying this, but the important thing is they identified, now get this, they identified China, Iran and Russia as being involved in this and manipulating the vote.

In addition, the US special forces command seized a server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, because they were sending this data from those six states through the internet to Spain and then into Frankfurt, Germany. Special operation forces seized those from that facility so they have those servers and they know all this data they are providing.

Howse asked if the raid went down ‘without incident’.

McInerney answered:

Well, I’ve heard it didn’t go down without incident, and I haven’t been able to verify it. I want to be careful in that. It’s just coming out, but I understand my initial report is that there were US soldiers killed in that operation.

Now, that was a CIA operation, and so that’s the very worrisome thing. Did that occur because of what Mary and I and Allen were notifying on the Sunday and the Monday in different networks that this was going to happen, that they were using Hammer and Scorecard, and so they decided to bounce it overseas, so the server farms and the Hammer and Scorecard we’re using in the continental United States, couldn’t be used? I don’t know that.

In any case, it makes it more vulnerable because when you start moving that kind of data overseas, other people look at it.

Howse asked for confirmation that the server farm was a CIA operation located in Germany.

McInerney responded:

That’s correct. Frankfurt, Germany.

We have all this information, General Flynn of course, people most realized, was the senior military intelligence officer in the US commands as a defense intelligence agency. He’s a career intelligence officer, knows this stuff, backwards and forwards.

From my experience in the cloud business, this was a trivial operation, relatively speaking, but the magnitude, because so many people, Brannon, were involved. So many people like General Flynn mentioned, the Democratic persons who saw this are coming forward, but what we are doing, we are competing with the Constitution and the 14th December date for the electoral college. Why? Because we have this information and we know that not only did we have the deep state and the executive that President Trump had to fight, we also had it in the legislature where you have Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, all of those people were involved in this.

They were involved in the Russian hoax. They were involved in this coup d’état, but we also had the judiciary, Judge Sullivan, who was General Flynn’s judge, outdid himself on this. You had the compromise there, and that’s why the 305th, the Krakens were targeted and selected, I believe, because the President could trust them. That’s why Chris Miller, who is now the acting secretary of defense and a former special operations hero

Howse asked:

What about his speech that’s gone viral of him directing all special operations forces to answer directly to him?

McInerney replied:

Well, that tells you something. It tells you that we had that tighten-up because there are people that are a part of this conspiracy. This is treason what we’re talking about. Some people may just think, “Oh, it’s just politics”. No … So, President Obama used it in 2012 to win, Biden used it to win Florida. The Democrats used it during the primary so Bernie Sanders would lose, and Biden would win. You know that’s politics, we’ve been cheating. No, it’s not politics, this is treason … We haven’t seen treason this magnitude ever in our history, and those politicians, those people like Chris Krebs, who was the head of the cyber warfare infrastructure security agency. He was until he was fired a couple of weeks ago by the President because this was a perfect election. He is guilty of treason. He had to be complicit, and people must understand that. You people that have done this are guilty of treason against the United States, and we are going to demand this President, insist this president not leave office until the American people have had a full disclosure of what’s going on.

Howse asked if Trump needed to fulfil the oath he took at his inauguration.

McInerney said that he must do so:

That is exactly what you heard me say, Brannon. The president has in his oath to the constitution to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and we shouldn’t let a schedule that we know is so blatantly flawed that anybody can understand that with just the items I’ve given our listeners tonight. When you have hundreds of thousands of votes that were falsified, and we know they’re falsified. I believe those servers are going to show that, and I believe that he is going to show that. It’ll probably have to be done at the Supreme Court because you have judges like some of it in that that are going to try to protect themselves because the fingers are going to start pointing to everybody. “Well, I didn’t know this, I didn’t know that”, they’re going to use the Nuremberg trial. “Well, the fear told me to do this”. They’re going to say, “Well, President Obama knew what I was doing because he told me to do it”, or vice-president Biden. “Biden was the runner here. He told me to do it”. They’re going to point fingers. When you have people that are driving up in cars with carloads of ballots, some not even folded, and they’re driving them into these five or six battleground states, they’re going to talk. They don’t want to be involved in treason

Howse said that the intelligence community wanted him to be quiet:

In general, I received three phone calls from three different people, tied to the intelligence arena a couple of weeks ago, trying to tell me that I was going to be embarrassing myself. If I didn’t quit talking about this, that it was all conspiracy and fake, and it’s now being revealed that those I guess, were calls to try to get me to stop using our network, our platform, to inform the American people, because now we just are starting to figure out what a lot of these words like Kraken and other things mean. It is all coming out. There are those inside the intelligence arena that were trying to shut this down. Now, I think there’s some inside of the intelligence arena that are trying out to take the story and control it. Are they not?

McInerney replied:

Yes, and they are guilty of treason.

Mary Fanning spoke next, very much to the point:

I will tell you that bad actors, both foreign and domestic use these man in the middle proxies to cover their tracks. There was an attempt not just to steal the election, but to steal America. The founding fathers may not have known about cyber warfare, but they certainly recognized tyrannyPresident Trump cannot leave office. When we have China and Iran having access to our elections, we cannot let them steal America through their illegal acts of treason and act of war against this country.

McInerney said something interesting, not about Democrats — about whom we knew — but two people working for Trump — John Durham and Bill Barr:

Now we’ve got to know if John Durham, what is the status of John Durham and the attorney general? What is the status of their work? What have they done?

Mary Fanning brought up a rather recent quote from Joe Biden:

Well, there’s an abundance of evidence that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Trump on behalf of Joe Biden, with Joe Biden’s assistance, because Joe Biden said he had the greatest voter fraud group in history put together. We cannot let this stand. It will be the theft of America. The American people must stand up.

The interviews concluded with an interesting exchange between Fanning and Howse.

Fanning said that this ‘treasonous activity’ had gone on ‘far too long’:

This came directly out of the Obama administration when John Brennan and James Clapper illegally commandeered the foreign surveillance tool known as the Hammer.

Then Dennis Montgomery’s name, as well as Robert Mueller’s, entered the conversation.

Brannon Howse asked about the Hammer:

It was designed by Genesis Montgomery in 2003, to keep America safe, as you write. Commandeered by them about two weeks after Obama was sworn into office and put on servers. You write of the FBI honor … director … Mueller, correct?

Fanning replied:

That’s correct. According to Dennis Montgomery, Robert Mueller provided the computers for the Hammer.


Early in Trump’s tenure, Dennis Montgomery appeared on a few programmes — few to none on the big networks — to warn about the depth of what goes on behind the scenes in intelligence. I always found him credible. However, his name was dragged through the mud by some commentators.

Howse said:

And of course, they tried to discredit Dennis Montgomery because you can see why now, but as we’ve discussed in past programs, you got two immunity deals after being interviewed and recorded. So apparently, he didn’t lie, or he’d be in jail. He kept it; he got his immunity deals kept some of his security clearances is not in jail, so that should tell us a lot to the people trying to smear the guy.

If you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Howse dropped this bombshell from his own shows and from Fanning’s book:

Not to mention Mary, as you report in your excellent report, the perfect storm, the Jafar family, the Gulftainer family, Doctor Jafar, as you guys report, used to be the head of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program, making the nuclear beach ball as miniaturized nuclear device.

I think he was on the kill list during the war, and then his family and his business get a contract running Port Canaveral in Florida and in Wilmington, Delaware [Joe Biden’s hometown], cargo containers, and yet there is some kind of business deals back with the 100% Russian owned export of the Club K Cargo that has four cruise missile silos that pop up and can deliver cruise missiles, biological weapons, nuclear weapons, and it could easily be planted down here in the US as you have translated Russian Manuals for Pearl Harbor 2.0 into English, they call for a Russian strategy of doing just that.

As you know, live on our show a few years ago, Phil Haney, former Department of Homeland Security whistle blower, revealed right on this show, “Hey, Brannon, you want another piece of interesting information to go with that?” Look at Citgo owned by Venezuela, they’re in financial crisis with massive inflation. Guess who’s come in and bought up a big chunk of their company? Russia. Look at all their oil terminals, up and down the Eastern seaboard. Now, Russia can bring in through the oil terminals, the cargo terminals can bring in the Club K Cargo missile launching system into this relationship with Dr. Jafar and Gulftainer, have caused now to move them into the US and plop them down at all refiners up and down the East Coast is a Trojan horse, and that’s your perfect Pearl Harbor 2.0 that you’ve been warning about, and Phil Haney dropped that right on the news desk of our show live, and you happen to be watching that night.

So, there’s way more to this than just the election. We’re talking about them being inside the wire and a lot of these people, the Bidens, the Obamas, Hillary tied to some of these actors, correct?

Fanning replied in the affirmative:

Well, that’s correct. Beyond which the Jafars were put on the Pentagon’s blacklist meant that they were wanted for capture or [to] kill Dr. Jafar, and he’s the nuclear mastermind or Saddam Hussein. In order to take back our country, we must take back this election that Donald Trump won fair and square before they started cheating with foreign actors, Russia, China, Iran, that their hand is in here for the theft of this election. That’s why the American people must stand up, and that is … President Donald Trump must abide by his oath to protect this country. He cannot step down until this election is fairly, legally settled.

General McInerney had the final word:

Now this is going directly to those that want to seize this country because they’ve hacked my cell phone, and so everything I say on this particular open channel, they are coming. They mean business. They are deeply into this, and they now know that because of what you’ve done and what we’ve done tonight, that they are in even more trouble. We are coming against after you and the American people are going to come after you and this President won this election, and he was going to be the president for the next four years, but we’re after you. You will not seize this country because this would be the last re-election we ever had, and I’m in agreement with you and Mary, that Joe Biden should step down right now.

Well, there you have it.

The coup continues — with no let up in sight.

Good grief.

This is unbelievable.

The announcement from President Trump’s campaign legal team from November 22 shocked many Sidney Powell supporters.

Many Trump and Powell supporters think that the US president’s case for election redress is sunk.

Here is what is happening. My post from Monday, November 23, offers background, including the Trump team’s announcement.

What Sidney Powell said

Sidney Powell issued her own statement afterwards. Her work is about ‘We the People’, as is L Lin Wood Jr’s.

Powell’s statement is as follows (emphasis in the original, those in purple mine):

I agree with the campaign’s statement that I am not part of the campaign’s legal team. I never signed a retainer agreement or sent the President or the campaign a bill for my expenses or fees.

My intent has always been to expose all the fraud I could find and let the chips fall where they may–whether it be upon Republicans or Democrats.

The evidence I’m compiling is overwhelming that this software tool was used to shift millions of votes from President Trump and other Republican candidates to Biden and other Democrat candidatesWe are proceeding to prepare our lawsuit and plan to file it this week.  It will be epic.

We will not allow this great Republic to be stolen by communists from without and within or our votes altered or manipulated by foreign actors in Hong Kong, Iran, Venezuela, or Serbia, for example, who have neither regard for human life nor the people who are the engine of this exceptional country.

#WeThePeople elected Donald Trump and other Republican candidates to restore the vision of America as a place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You may assist this effort by making a non tax-deductible contribution to  #KrakenOnSteroids”

Sidney Powell

What Trump’s campaign lawyers are working on and what Sidney Powell is perfecting are two different issues.

The Trump realm cannot easily enter the Powell realm because that would complicate things unnecessarily.

REX, whom I’ve quoted before, albeit not recently, has this analysis as to why there is a pincer movement going on:

This is also a useful analysis. I am unfamiliar with the author, but what he says makes sense:

Rush Limbaugh and Howie Carr want more action

On Monday, November 23, Rush Limbaugh was disappointed that nothing was happening yet from either Team Trump or Sidney Powell.

The Daily Caller carried portions of the transcript from his show (emphases mine):

You call a gigantic press conference like that, one that lasts an hour. And you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells, there better be something at that press conference other than what we got,” he explained.

Limbaugh went on to say that a witness — even one whose identity was disguised — would have gone a long way toward bolstering the claims made by the president’s team.

“But you don’t — you can’t — I talked to so many people who were blown away by it, by the very nature of the press conference,” Limbaugh continued. “They promised blockbuster stuff, and then nothing happened. And that’s just, that’s not — well, it’s not good. If you’re going to promise blockbuster stuff like that, then there has — now, I understand. Look, I’m the one that’s been telling everybody, this stuff doesn’t happen at warp speed, light speed, the way cases are made for presentation in court. But if you’re going to do a press conference like that, with the promise of blockbusters, then — then there has to be something more than what that press conference delivered.”

Limbaugh concluded by saying that if the Trump team was going to make a case, it needed to be done quickly. “Time, of course is of the essence now, as it is speedily vanishing. So they’re going to have to act fast,” he said.

The Howie Carr Show, now a Newsmax programme, came on in the afternoon.

Howie couldn’t get hold of Sidney Powell for another interview, but he did speak with Boris Epshteyn and Joe diGenova. The next few paragraphs are my potted summary of what they told Howie.

Boris Epstein, part of Trump’s campaign legal team spoke to Howie. Epstein said ALL the states in question are still in play. He appeared during Howie’s Newsmax hour. (Howie wears a jacket and tie during that portion of his broadcast.)

Epstein said they are tracking things very closely and said he wanted to reassure Newsmax viewers that everything is in hand and progressing as planned.

Joe diGenova was on Howie Carr’s Newsmax hour after Boris Epshteyn. Joe diGenova said that there IS a two-pronged strategy in play. He said that Sidney Powell doesn’t have any problem pursuing the voting machines angle while Team Trump pursues what went on in the polling stations with no Republican observers admitted or placed so far away that they couldn’t see anything.

He confirmed what Boris Epshteyn said: ALL the questionable states were still in play that day (and this week).

Is President Trump worried about paying for recounts and/or audits in individual states? Based on 2016 and the four years of lefty turmoil that followed, his team were prepared and set money aside, especially as mail-in ballots were heavily promoted in all Democratic-controlled states or cities.

Trump knew his campaign would need to pay for recounts. That’s $3 – 7 million per state. They have that covered.

For those who think Trump should take Al Gore’s advice and concede, in 2000, when the hanging chad contest in Florida was in dispute, Gore didn’t concede until December.

But I digress.

Back to Howie Carr. As an organised crime reporter for the Boston Herald for many years, he knows how the legal system can be manipulated. On Monday’s show he asked whether Sidney Powell’s legal standing would be questioned. On whose behalf could she credibly make her case? (After all, L Lin Wood Jr’s case in Georgia got thrown out last week for lack of standing. He is going to appeal the decision.)

It turns out that Sidney Powell is a military lawyer. As today is still Thanksgiving Day, the ultimate American feast, here’s the retweet:

Now for the original tweet:

She has been representing Gen Michael Flynn.

She has also put the frighteners on certain people involved with the voting machines:

Patience required — more information emerging

An American Thinker article by Andrea Widburg puts the election legal fight into perspective:

Currently, I believe that this election was marked by epic fraud.  You cannot convince me that Biden, who got five or six people to his rallies, as opposed to the 52,000 or so at Trump’s rallies in Pennsylvania, ended with more votes than Obama.

Nobody ever said proving this fraud would be easy (or, sadly, even possible).  I’m treating its unfolding like an epic novel with a surprise ending

So should the rest of us.

Imagine if we were on the legal team. We wouldn’t have time to sleep — or contemplate our annual turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

For Team Trump, there is much to challenge. RedState has an article with dizzying detail about Georgia alone.

There are also these items:

Yet another witness has come out in Michigan, describing the same scenario as in Georgia:

This is in addition to the legal challenges going on not only in these states but a handful of others which produced dubious results.

As for Sidney Powell, more information emerges for her, including this:

I really hope this isn’t true (a must see/read thread about Republicans and the voting machines).


Meanwhile, Donald Trump is:

Prayers continue for everyone involved in this historic battle for the future of the Great Republic.

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